New Paladin Card Reveal - Spirit of the Tiger
A new card has been revealed by rhdgurwns.
Reveal Video
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So if I use the Coin then what? I get a 0/0?
i hope we will get 0/1 frog.
well thank you for the explanation. it makes perfect sense now. still disgusting and pathetic imo, but hey, opinions are like assholes, everyones got one!!
People keep bring up Mossy Horror and Void Ripper but like
Your Turn 3: Redemption
Your Turn 4: Spirit of the Tiger
Their Turn 4: They Void Ripper and Redemption procs giving you a 0/1 Spirit with Stealth.
At that point on turn 5 if you cant use some combination of Desperate Stand , Redemption , Blessing of Might , Autodefense Matrix , Noble Sacrifice , Sound the Bells! , Potion of Heroism , or Blessing of Kings to keep the Loa alive/buff it out of Mossy range then maybe you just deserve to lose your loa.
Just because there's a card that can counter the counter doesn't mean that the counter itself is not gonna be a problem. A two turn setup doesn't avoid the problem of mossy or void.
Void Ripper is very rarely a dead card in hand. I have been trying to grind legend with budget deathrattle hunter (meaning I don't have Kathrena Winterwisp or King Krush) and I have slotted flippy rippy in to serve a couple useful purposes. First purpose, activates Devilsaur Egg. Second purpose, creates surprise lethals with cards like Mossy Horror and Witchwood Grizzly. Third purpose, destroys pesky totems and cards like Doomsayer hidden behind taunts. Just add all spirits to the "pesky totems" category and I might even consider running two of those bad boys.
it was disgusting.
did anyone actually watch the reveal video for this card? Obesity is an epidemic in NA, and soon will be in Asia as they incorporate our lifestyles. Watching this guy open, eat, and slurp his way thru the box of cereal was disgusting and a perfect example of everything wrong with thw world today. Gross Gross Gross why HS allowed that video to represent their game is beyond me.
Just wow man.
hes a popular Korean Hearthstone streamer and he is famous for being extremely fat in a country where obesity is rare but he takes it with good humor.
Also, social eating on a show is called Muk bang and it is actually very popular broadcast content if you look it up. It seems like Korean audience feel satisfied when watching an individual consume a large amounts of food.
It's just difference in culture.
Thanks for the cool facts man! xD
Interesting, cause you spend all your mana... so maybe the mana could count. But Ysera as neutral minion has 0 mana spells.
Forbidden healing doesn't have a cost equal to your mana, it has a cost of 0 and reduces your current mana to 0. So if you cast it with this card it would spawn a 0/0.
Since all of these summoned tigers are basically the same minion with different statline, does silence work on them to bring their stats down (to 1/1 I assume)?
My guess is that it will be similar to how the jades worked. They cant be silenced, and they will have slightly different artwork depending on how big it is
This curves into Call to Arms very well.
The cool thing about this card is that it’s a Paladin card and it can be buffed itself!
Summoning Stone, kinda. Less highroll potential, but probably easier to protect.
For all the people saying Mossy Horror or Stampeding Kodo - yes, those are cards. Both can't be played on the turn the spirit is played. Also, Stampeding Kodo hasn't been run in literally years.
And if you run Void Ripper just to deal with spirits - get ready to have a dead 3/3 in your hand while your opponent, which is probably a control player, waits a few more turns to get immediate value or just buff it the turn it's played.
Stampeding Kodo has seen play prior to Mossy Horror release as a tech option against control (ie: any minion that draws you cards, northshire cleric, acolyte of pain, etc)
@quicksand, your argument seems to fall VERY flat. Mossy was a huge meta tech card before inventor was nerfed and it was in all forms of decks that had the slot and weren't some form of over the board face/otk. Stampeding Kodo has seen play in many metas as a very viable tech mostly against defensive cards that had low attack, high health and taunt. Void ripper see's play in most aggro decks as a counter to the very same type of defensive cards, ones with low attack high health and taunt.
This set is bringing very powerful 0/3's with stealth to every class that have innate synergy with their new classes legendary cards. It is extremely likely that some of the spirits will see a lot of play and that decks will compensate by using the previously mentioned cards as tech/removal tools. I expect void ripper to be a 1 or 2 of in a majority of the meta. It is already played in aggro decks as a way to turn their own defensive minions into offensive minions for a burst push b/c most aggro decks run some form of light weight taunts to protect their small minion board. So aggro can afford to run ripper as it is a win condition for many of them and control can afford to run ripper as it is removal tool for many of them. Some control decks will opt for mossy instead, but decks like druid that run spreading plague often run a copy of ripper for the same potential burst damage combo that aggro decks use it for. Yes void ripper can sometimes be a dead card, but more often it is such a highly versatile card that it fits into most archetypes without being a low value or targeted tech card that it becomes core for some classes and we can expect that number to rise in the future.