Hearthstone Balance Changes Incoming - Information Coming Next Week
In a tweet this afternoon, the Hearthstone team has announced they have reconsidered their stance on balance changes before the next set. More information will be made available in an update next Monday, October 15.
What changes would you like to see?
Quote from @PlayHearthstoneWe've been discussing a couple of card balance changes to make next week. We'll have more information to provide on October 15.
they did quite well at the end
The nerfs are a mixed bag for me. Giggling got bodied so hard, but the Mana Wyrm nerf is alright. Although, Blizzard could've lowered Mana Wyrm's hp to 2 instead of increasing the cost. With regards to Aviana, I don't how the balance team approached Wild Druid. On the bright side, innervate can still make the combo with Kun possible. Just my opinion.
It stinks though, because not much has changed in standard. Odd Warrior and Quest Rogue is most affected by the Giggling nerf, but the rest of the classes; not really much. Sadly, I won't be purchasing the Witch Wood bundle based on the nerfs presented by the balance team.
The announcement is live!
giggling 5->7 mana
mana wyrm 1->2 mana
aviana 9->10 mana
Just nerf druid man.
They have so many crucial aspects combined into them, that it's gotten way too crazy. There was a time when ramping cost alot of card advantage and now they have so many drawing tools it's negletable. Even Ferocious Howl whcih is arguably one of the worst drawing tools, is just an upgraded version of Shieldblock most of the time. How can you play around cards when when druids draws and plays their entire deck before you were able to draw half of yours.
Extending your lifetotal should come at a cost, but armor gain in such ridiculous numbers is just not fair for any other class that can't get armor naturally. I think it fitts their theme and all but they outarmor warriors with 2 or less cards.
Branching paths can easily be used as a finisher in either token or other druid decks. Sometimes they just play spreading plague/hadronox board/token tools and kill you the next turn, unless you clean the board immedetly. A single card that can be used for drawing, finishing and stalling at the same time is not balanced.
Druid has over 6 tier1/tier2 decks of which 20 cards are the same, the outsider here beeing token druid and spitefull druid. The winrates of these decks are ridiculous. When you look on HSreplay.net you have to go to the 8th site of druid decks, to find anything under 50% winrate. And hell there's some realy wacky stuff out there like even druid.
Giggling Inventor should not be nerfed. I’m saying this even though I’m not playing it in any deck. We have Mossy Horror which is amazing tech card and is currently useful against so many meta decks and it absolutely obliterates Giggling Inventor. I put it in every deck and it’s so good, saved my ass so many times.
Will save u against quest rogue Kappa
I never had a problem with giggling inventor and don't get where it's coming from. Yes it is a realy good card and it's very sad that quest rouge and token druid can abuse them realy hard, but the problem are those archetypes and not giggling inventor.
They prolly still nerf it because it's rare and not legendary...
Rite....so today's the day....any idea what time they announce?
Giggling Inventor, dunno the change. My two golden copies don't really mind it.
Juicy Psychmelon, probably cutting the draw. I don't think they'll just drastically raise the cost(next slide, Juicy Psychmelon raised to 8-mana).
ez nerf
I hope they nerf Millhouse Manastorm, Duskfallen Aviana and Harbinger Celestia. These cards are too OP! Too OP!!!
There's no point in nerfing something like Kun when Psychmelon gets nerfed. Point me to the Aviana decks that were tier 1 or tier 0 before psychmelon.
There were tier 1-3 combo druid decks but no S tier. Nerfing aviana as well may make sense, Kun is not a problem card without Aviana. Or you can just make Aviana cost 10 and then psychmelon isn't guaranteed to draw full combo (although maybe they could change it to 7 8 and 9 cost to bring the deck's power level waaaay down).
Reno decks counter them pretty well. So do big spell mage.
As said before: the issue is simply druid. After it's hopefully nerfed, reno-decks can emerge again, and baku-decks are not as much of an issue as they are now.
Still: While Juicy Psychmelon needs a big nerf (drawing 4 cards for 4 mana is insane; tudor 4 cards is even stronger than drawing 4 cards; still druid gets an discount on it); the most important target for it seems to be Aviana. Nerf her to 10 mana would be a big help, because then you need for the combo also either the coin OR an innervate. Even 1 card more makes the combo far harder to accomplish.
And Star Aligner should simply NOT HIT FACE. Fixed!
I'm finding that the people who complain about the current meta are people who are only playing meta decks. That's why there are so many hard counters. If you get creative and make something different, you will find there are a lot less hard counters and a lot more people who don't know how to play against your deck. That's kind of the winning strategy in this meta. Or you can stick to meta decks and have totally mindless scripted battles all day. Up to you.
good thing you dont work for the... you dont even know what hall of fame is for.
So many closed minded people here it saddens me.
All you can think about are nerds because that's all you were ever given.
But what nerfs don't do is fix the main problem why meta feels bad right now even though it's one of the most balanced meta that ever was.
The problem is in game decisions are pretty much non existat. If you queue the wrong match up you pretty much insta lose, not much you can do about it. Some of the changes I proposed would partially allow for more decisions.
And also Hall of Fame is for the cards considered very powerful but that are fun for some people and don't really need a nerf.
I know Blizzard only used it for classic cards so far (but that is because they want to get rid of good ever green cards so that people are compelled to buy new packs)
That alone shows you are completely clueless about the game
Also explain what putting Yogg-Saron in the hall of fame is going to accomplish ?
The card is already in wild and hall of fame cards are only available in wild...
Lol @ mass dispel silencing the cards in hand too...do you even realise how OP that would be ?
It's not that people are closed minded, it's just that your ideas are garbage