Peter Whalen & Dean Ayala Showcase Old Boomsday Project Legendary Designs
IGN's Cam Shea had a chance so sit down with Peter Whalen and Dean Ayala of the Hearthstone team to talk about the designs of Legendary cards in The Boomsday Project. We've got some interesting pre-release versions of some of our favourite cards, check them out below.
What would the hero powers be of The infamous Doctor Boom? There's no way that they'd let the current ones be the abilities for the 4 mana one, and it would be pretty weak if it were to be given to the 30 mana one.
The Soularium is a creative design. Maybe it should cost more. This encourages deck building; you have to look at high-cost, low-attack minions and add correct number of these to your deck. Too many; you'll die to aggro. Too few; you won't get enough value from The Soularium.
I like this one better than the current Soularium which is basically autoinclude to increase the SMOrc potential of Zoolock.
problem is that that version of the soularium opens up some pretty broken stuff with cards like Summoning Portal.
I don't think you would like it as much when the Warlock starts dropping 3 mana Jaraxxus, 4 mana 9/12 Ysera or Malygos, 2 mana 9/4 Dragonhatchers, 3 mana 9/9 Voidlords, and I don't even want to think about 5 mana N'Zoths (to perhaps combine with Zola or Banker on the same turn) or ridiculously cheap oversized Giants in Wild.
"Explosions are mandatory" would have been great! xD
I wonder what was the initial design of the Melon?
Tutor 6 cards for 2 manas ? Start of the game : win the game of you play Druid ? ^^
Wow your so funny
yep, we all are
Melon isn’t that OP...unless you’re DaneHS, thenhe makes it op. But aside from that then you only need a decent deck to win...
The old The Soularium looks really OP. Oakheart for 5 mana 9/5, Dragonhatcher for 2 mana 9/4, Ysera
12/129/12 for 4 mana, Voidlord 9/9 for 3 manaYsera would be 9/12, not 12/12, but yes, very OP. Voidlord in particular would have created an outrage and a return of Cubelock.
You forgot to mention a 0 mana 4/9 taunt (Unpowered Steambot).
Then again, it costed 7, and the issue of drawing and playing it first is the same as with Luna's Pocket Galaxy, which is not all that great right now. Old Soularium affects your hand, and you don't have to draw the cards like with LPG to get anything out of it, but you also might want to hold it back till you have the right cards in your hand.
I guess the attack buff is also quite significant, and maybe Bloodbloom would have been a problem for allowing it to be cast earlier, but building most of your deck around such a card has quite a few downsides as well. I'm not sure it would have been way too powerful all things considered, but the potential definitely was there.
Mecha'thun at 3 mana would've been so broken, it fits more then well at 10 mana. I like the idea of the mage legendary which seems more fair than Stargazer Luna.
It is almost the same card as Luna ended up. If you play the top card you can see and play the next top card, so you effectively draw each time. The main difference is you don't know what the first card will be, which seems much more frustrating when you play her.
Not too different from 4-mana Mecha'thun Druids currently play via Floop.
"You can play the top card of your deck."
That would have been such an awesome mechanic. We need much more of these type of cards actually make it into the game.
It's similar to 'Warp' in Eternal, but I think better because the cost is based in the minion, not added to the 'warped' card.
And the same as ‘Future Sight’ from Magic: the Gathering from the set Onslaught from 2002.
It would be cool. However, the effect Stargazer Luna has is almost identical.