Blizzard Showcases Concept Art From The Boomsday Project
Today Blizzard posted a blog which brought several pieces of concept art and text which describe them. It's a neat look behind the scenes, check it out!
Quote from BlizzardBefore they found their way onto cards and artwork, the brilliant scientists, crazy contraptions, and magnificent mechs you see in The Boomsday Project sprang forth from the over-active imaginations of Blizzard artists.
Today we’re sharing some of The Boomsday Project’s concept art and revealing what original Hearthstone art looks like early in the creative process.
Above is the first take on Dr. Boom’s Netherstorm lair, which immediately captivated the imaginations of the design team and captured exactly what we were after. We knew Dr. Boom would have a mechanical conveyance, but originally his art was going to be updated to emphasize his mad science credentials. Ultimately, it felt better to keep Boom true to his roots, so he kept the hood and the mech suit was born.
The Cinematic team captured the spirit of the initial lair sketch perfectly, and it became the centerpiece for the mayhem that was to follow in the announcement cinematic piece.
Early on we wanted to explore the different labs inspired by the nine classes, each with a very distinct feel and approach to scientific exploration. Here we see some early sketches of the mulchy monstrosities that would slither through Flobbidinous Floop’s arboretum/lab.
Rogue would undoubtedly be found playing with volatile concoctions. You can see shades of the art that would inspire cards like Necrium Blade and Blightnozzle Crawler.
Paladins are always going on about “the light” and one’s faith being put into it, so crystal refracted lasers felt like a natural fit.
Originally, the Shaman lab focused on mecha-totems, but we pivoted toward Electra Stormsurge, and the raw crackling power of the Netherstorm as designs solidified. You’ll still see sparks in some of those jars.
Warlocks were always going to deal in the power of souls, but the look of that technology changed quite a bit from concept to completion to make each class immediately recognizable to the player.
As a lover of all things “mech” Dr. Boom would head up the Warrior lab. He had to have a workshop full of huge, awesome mechs, and distinctly “goblin” inventions. Some of those designs found their way into other Classes or the neutral set. You might recognize the inspirations for Galvatron (sans Chainsaw, sadly) and Faithful Lumi in here (among others).
Here are early sketches for how Magnetic (then called “modular”) might be reflected in the art for each Mech. Initially, the symbol on each mech would indicate its magnetic properties. In the end, we needed something more immediately obvious and we ended up going with crackling blue electricity to indicate that the Mechs could connect to each other instead.
Thanks for joining us for a look at these early concepts, and we hope you’ve been enjoying the resulting art on your The Boomsday Project cards!
Ok, WHY didn't the giant Tomato King get its own card? We could have scrapped Harbinger Celestia
I recently graduated university and now work as a graphics designer. It's a great job :)
Just draw... A LOT!
It would be kinda interesting to know how would they went with Shaman into Mecha Totem direction. Like would it have 2 tribes? What Tribe would they be if they wouldn't have 2? What would be the flavour? I just got so many questions :D
I would've loved to see Dr. Boom pilot his own face in the final game, but the final version's cool too, I guess.
Easter egg: Blitzcrank concept art :D
Great arts, bad expansion.
Nice picture... you are definitely not someone who hates Hearthstone right?
Curb that addiction.
Their concept art team is fantastic. Would treat these gents to a beer/milkshake any day.
Anyone else feel like the adopted version of Dr. Boom is the worst one by far?
the spider tank one was obviously the best
Such a shame that the game play and design is so tired and thin. The flavor and creativity of the art is really top notch, it's one of the few reasons to continue caring about this game. Whenever I see anyone criticize Artifact, the main complaint is that is just doesn't have that feel that Hearthstone has or the personality and to some extent they are right. These artists, animators and voice actors are a beacon of light in an otherwise dreary game.
It is interesting how the main criticize things of the game which is in CLOSED beta with few videos out is only this. Maybe because no one is playing it. It is pointless to compare unreleased game with game on a 4 year, where people has found much more aspect on what they can cry for. Every fresh game is normally a bit more interesting than something which you do for years. Wait 1 year after artefact (if people still play it), to see for what people are complaining.
Warlocks ended being decently desinged, but i would love to se how blizzard pretended to made them mathematicians
Mathematicians are the maddest among the scientific ones. I mean, warlock already has defile, and rat catcher, which are mechanically complicated cards
Yes, but i was speaking about make the cards and warlock's lab be oriented to a Ma-thematic instread of just the mechanics xd
And now before anyone say anything, i know where is the door, don't blame me i had to do that joke
The Treant theme for Druid is ok, but seeing the garden-based art really makes me wish they had gone more in that direction
The aesthetic aspect of Hearthstone attracts me much more than... well, the other one. Hoping to see more things like this in the future.