Five Awesome Legend Hearthstone Decks for the Start of September 2018
We're almost a week into the September season of Hearthstone for this year and there are some great standout decks that we think you'll have some success with on the ladder.
Are you looking for more decks? We've got plenty of options for you, all added by members of our community! If you have a great deck, don't forget you can add it to the site via our deckbuilder (and be sure to write a guide!).
PhysicsKing's Secret Hunter
Minion (13)
Ability (14)
Weapon (2) | Playable Hero (1) |
Loading Collection |
TechnoGoose's Togwaggle Druid
Minion (8) |
Ability (20)
Weapon (1) | Playable Hero (1) |
Loading Collection |
Oyatsu's Odd Rogue
Minion (25)
Ability (5) |
Loading Collection |
Haze's Lyra Combo Priest
Minion (17) |
Ability (13)
Loading Collection |
Theo's Odd Warrior
Minion (16)
Ability (11)
Weapon (2) | Playable Hero (1) |
Loading Collection |
Heading For Legend?
If you're making the climb for Legend rank this month, join us over the forums to discuss your adventure! We've got dedicated threads for both Standard and Wild.
Mecha'thun Priest says hi!
i mean control mind blast priest
I just want to see the meta blow up and Leper Gnomes become Tier 1 cards. C'mon Blizzard, give the memes what they want.
druid btw haHAA
Expensive meta :(
Priest deck is fairly cheap. There are cheaper, better decks then the ones listed.
Druid and Warrior are too OP
warrior is a lot of things, but not op.
Warrior= free win against any aggro decks+priest
oh, well i was only speaking from experience.
Time to tech in secret removal, this hunter deck is speading
Why bother writing comments like this on a netdecking site?
because it is cool to thank this site for being convenient
Amen. It’s done in all sports. If it’s a good play, other teams use it. If it’s a good deck......wait for it..... other peeps use it? Lol. Peace
You do realize he was being super sarcastic right?
How to play against Druid.
1) play Skulking Geist, then check your opponent’s deck while being happy when seeing four cards disappear.
2) Keep your class’ removal for his tokens as well as
3) Keep silence or transform card for the Hadronox case, but it won’t happen, cause
4) he equips Twig of the World Tree, and you play ooze member you’ve been holding to destroy it
5) You can start murmuring ‘ha, now you will die to fatigue, cause you’ve been drawing a lot and I smashed all the threats.’
6) Finally he plays two another legendaries and you loose anyway
So true.
they should delete druid class
Opened Subject 9 when the expansion hit and thought secret hunter might be good but it was such a meme back then. I'm glad to see the deck getting such success now that good deckbuilders (unlike me) have tackled it.