Hearthside Chat: The Puzzle Lab with Giovanni Scarpati and Max Ma
Hearthstone's Mission Designer, Giovanni Scarpati, and Lead UI Designer, Max Ma, are showcasing the Puzzle Lab which launches next week on August 21 and is completely free to play. You'll earn three card packs for logging in next week.
Quote from DaxxarriJoin Hearthstone Mission Designer Giovanni Scarpati and Lead UI Designer Max Ma as they take you on a tour of Boom Labs’ most enigmatic facilities: The Puzzle Lab!
In The Puzzle Labs, you’re tasked with helping Boom Labs head scientists and their assistants overcome challenging obstacles to their research! Each lab represents one of four different puzzle types: Lethal, Mirror, Board Clear, or Survival. Each lab starts with a simple challenge—a “Puzzles 101” to familiarize you with the experimental procedures—but they ramp way up in difficulty from there! You can do The Puzzle Labs in any order, so if you get stuck, you can shake things up and put in some work at a different Lab for a while.
Complete every last puzzle in the place, and you’ll earn one heck of a diploma: The Boomlabs! card back will be added to your collection!
Don’t forget! If you haven’t claimed them already, you can still log in to get a free Legendary minion (or Hero card) and three card packs—both from the new expansion—FREE! Join us starting August 21 to experience The Puzzle Labs, and get three more The Boomsday Project card packs when you log in. These free card packs and Legendary card are only available for a limited time—so act fast!—but The Puzzle Lab is here to stay.
Another missed trick here, with rewarding another cardback. I love using Arthas as my Paladin main as I had to earn it. Spending plenty of time within the PvE only for an average cardback. Not so warm on the reward.
The mode itself though. A very interesting idea. I can't wait to try it.
When I said previously on this post that a cardback is not enough, I was called insane :( Feels good to finally see that there is someone that is not satisfied with only a cardback.
The most of us i think are not satisfied with the reward .. It doesn't make you to really try and get it .. Personally i will try the lab just to see what is it like but i won't tryhard like i did back to the KFT days for Arthas or the rest of the pve for the packs.
any info on replayability?
what made dungeon run and to a lesser extend monster hunt cool was to be able to replay them and with the different classes (imho).
even after some patches and expansions i do a run/hunt.
don't see that happening with the puzzle labs unless they do something unique with them. we'll see tomorrow.
That doesn't mean they don't have replayability. It's still fun to go to Monster hunt and shit on people with Cannoneer or face absurd bosses in Dungeon run and watch the AI be silly. Yeah it's annoying to lose to a boss when you are trying to get all the classes done, but if you just play it normally it's pretty fun and you can still easily go back and enjoy them again. Unless they release puzzles after the initial launch, I doubt this will have as much replayability to it.
Really enjoyed this type of mode in the intro to The Elder Scrolls: Legends, and immediately wished they had something similar in HS. Glad to see it finally here!
Two days after launch and every solution will be online. This is gonna be boring game mode compared to the last couple.
remember this from yu gi oh gba/ds game (cant rememeber which), loved the mode then, will be cool to see in HS
dont really like puzzles (find lethal etc.) playing the game for fun not for twisting my brain.. :D (maybe thats why i didnt reach Legend yet) :/
For a man of science, like myself, I expect these labs to be a no brainer - going to solve them all within an hour.
Watch out we have a smartass over here.
Don't feed the troll
do it on stream i want to laugh
I did not expect this kind of negativity from my beloved community - shame on you
Well don't post an ego-inflated brag-fest post. Plenty of smart people playing this game, and if you actually think beating this will have anything to do with science apart from the theme and the requirement for logic, then you're maybe not as smart as you claim.
Is that you Eugene?
Do you want to woosh people or are you just going to let this go lol.
quite interesting, I like these puzzles when I watch new videos Trolden (like to find Lethal) etc