Weathering the Netherstorm on a Budget - RegisKillbin's Boomsday Essentials
You can still enjoy Hearthstone on a budget, and RegisKillbin has proof of that! Check out his video and decks featuring plenty of Boomsday cards down below.
Legend Budget Mech Hunter
Minion (25)
Ability (3) |
Weapon (2)
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Budget Hunter
Minion (22)
Ability (6)
Weapon (2)
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Budget Aggro Paladin
Minion (26)
Ability (3) | Weapon (1) |
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Budget Zoolock
Minion (24)
Ability (6)
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I love that Priest deck! Very nice find.
I agree with the sentiment of Regis doing the next expansion stream over Day9. Sean is OK, Regis would we way better. Moregenuine excitement and likely less dumb play.
While I'm subscribed to both, Day[9] has literally years of experience over Regis in doing live events (he hosted the PCgaming show for the past few years, not to mention actually being the CEO of his own company), and Sean is a pretty good player all in all, he just sometimes knowingly throws games in order to see more new cards played and not just displayed on screen.
That's even without needing to play against Chakki, a former pro player made balance designer, that has previous knowledge of all the decks played on the reveal stream. I'm not sure Regis would fare much better in that circumstance.
this comment seems so out of place.
A while back i found Regis on youtube, then i started watching his streams (his chat is so much fun and very welcoming AND his emotes HE made are the best). Truly genuine and awesome person, glad hes getting recognition.
Looking through the comments i am glad is regis's positivity is contagious:)
PS: he was blessed by the holy brode!! *music starts playing*
PPS: it isnt easy being green..or thomas the subtrain...
pss: Guys watch him on twitch hes great.
Non-Prince Keleseth zoolock is meh.
Glad he's getting recognized. He's made quality videos for a year + and Blizz gave him his first card reveal this xpac. He truly cares about the game/community. Keep it up man!
Regis! this guy is awesome
Never really watched Regis at all, but I'm glad that Hearthpwn is doing this sort of stuff, it's nice to see the site acting as a main hub for the community as apposed to just being a normal forum for the game. Good job on that.
Glad to see Regis featured on here!
Please do an expac reveal stream with Regis!
Blizzard, PLZ nerf Warlock!!!
Regis is one of favorite streamers. He rarely gets salty and always keeps a positive vibe around him.
Regis is fantastic! Great attitude and funny, and really understands the community, he really deserves all the attention he's been getting!
Don't be fooled - it's really Ben Brode!
Holy crap I knew he looked familiar. I let my guard down, 'cause he changed the laugh™
my first reaction to regis when i first saw him was "is this guy trying to copy bens hair cut?"
I love Regis, but he is a whale and own ever card in every set . He gives great legend crafting advice cause he has everyone and played with everyone of them but his not the greatest budge deck builder. I followed him since un goro and non of his deck were out standing, it just simply a lessees cost version of a tier 4 deck. My advice as a F2P player is if you got the dust craft deck, just to craft the cheaper decks in the mate like heal zoo rather then a random deck you found on line and if you have the dust to craft a legendary or epics it wont heart checking out one of Regis crafting rankings vidios
Doesn't having every card in every set a good thing for making budget decks? Lets you experiment with things and find out which one is the best. You don't really need to be F2P to offer good cheap decks. F2P advice on the other hand is different. It also lets you try out possible upgrades for the deck encase someone has a certain card they want to try out.