Blizzard and StanCifka Present: How to Boomsday - Seven Decks of Destruction
StanCifka and Blizzard teamed up to teach you how to Boomsday! Watch the video and check out the seven highlighted decks.
Even Warlock
Minion (19)
Ability (10)
Playable Hero (1) |
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Togwaggle Druid
Minion (7) |
Ability (22)
Playable Hero (1) |
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Control Warlock
Minion (18)
Ability (11)
Playable Hero (1) |
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Mecha'thun Priest
Minion (17) |
Ability (13)
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Mech Paladin
Minion (22)
Ability (5) |
Weapon (3)
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Odd Rogue
Minion (25)
Ability (5) |
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Recruit Warrior
Minion (7)
Ability (19)
Weapon (3)
Playable Hero (1) |
Loading Collection |
Zoo has never been and will never be a brainless deck. Zoo controls the board for the first 5-6 turns, if you can't do that, you are already a bad zoo player.
blizzard, nerf warlock!
Mech Paladin is looking like mid Tier 3 on HS Replay (to be fair, it's Tier 1 fun).
most people found out, that burning their cards with gnomeferatu totally works out and Guldan makes the finishing work
Rin, the First Disciple against what control deck? By the time you destroy their deck, all the combo decks have drawn their deck already!
Removal tools for the agro, Demonic Project for the combo, and Rin for the control decks.
Wild is insanely fun right now or maybe that’s just me, I’m so glad I have 2 avenues to play this game with. I get bored with wild I go play standard. I’ll never understand the standard only mindset. Have fun!
You're not being mean, you're just being salty.
It’s been almost a year since Stan invested heavily in HearthPwn for promotion purposes, and still he can’t break 2k viewers on Twitch. FeelsStanMan
Nobody is forgiving him for eggs, especially now that it's an actual deck again.
Presenting how a deck works doesn't mean taking credit for it. Maybe I missed it, but I didn't hear Stan say he created all these decks.
I'm not being mean or anything, but why does StanCifka take credit for all these decks when 4 out of 7 of these decks were originally made by other pro players? Replacing 1 to 3 cards in the decks doesn't mean you created the entire archetype.
Why people vote negative you ? I think you are right. You get a point here, im worried about those people posting decks with his name, and think they have made up gold.
Zoolock is tier0.
I really like that Mecha'thun priest deck.
Well, perhaps nobody missed this deck. And as it is brainless deck, play what you have in the hand as fast as possible, it doesn't need any presentation.
Play control in this meta? LuL
I want to see that Annoy-o-Tron in game on stream StanCifka!!!!
"Decks of Destruction"? A lot of these decks don't even have things that destroy stuff. Like the priest deck has a Coffin Crasher, the recruit warrior has a big dino that slams into things which I guess counts for something along with slam? But the druid and paladin decks literally have nothing that breaks stuff in the decks. Once again I'm disappointed.
Wondering if the sarcasm just went over people's head or it just wasn't funny this time, oh well.
*grabs bananas*