Seven Decks From Hearthstone Pros That Put The Boom in Boomsday
Tonight we're looking at seven decks played by various Hearthstone pros that are doing well on the ranked ladder. Take your pick, they're all solid!
Caravaggio's Rank 1 Malygos Druid
Minion (9)
Ability (19)
Weapon (1) | Playable Hero (1) |
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Caravaggio's Mech Warrior
Minion (23)
Ability (3)
Weapon (4)
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Chinoize's Overload Clone Shaman
Minion (10)
Ability (20)
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Rdu's Kingsbane Rogue
Minion (11)
Ability (17)
Weapon (1)
Playable Hero (1) |
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Rdu's Spell Hunter
Ability (24)
Weapon (5)
Playable Hero (1) |
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Theo's Big Spell Mage
Minion (20)
Ability (9)
Playable Hero (1) |
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IonCannon's Combo Control Priest
Minion (17) |
Ability (13)
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I wholeheartedly agree with this recommendation. Dane is an excellent player who builds and plays unique and creative decks, is entertaining to watch, and often talks through and explains the reasoning behind the plays he makes (and just as importantly, the plays he chooses not to make). If you're looking for ways to improve your game, particularly in Wild, Dane is unquestionably the guy you want to be watching.
He does often provide decklists, but usually via a link in the description, or by just telling you that he'll be posting it on Hearthpwn soon. In other words, he gives you the option, but it isn't the primary purpose of his videos/stream.
I honestly don't watch many Hearthstone videos or streams anymore, except for Dane. His YouTube videos especially are pretty much always worth the time and effort. They are fun, entertaining, informative, and well edited (not a ton of production, but they are focused, stay on-point, and often have tedious or irrelevant turns edited out or sped up as to not waste your time). What more can you ask for from a Hearthstone video (within reason)?
Just search for Dane HearthStone on YouTube. You definitely won't regret it.
Faerie Dragon in Mech Warrior?! WutFace?
People complaining about the lack of wild decks EleGiggle
It’s nice to see a solid Warrior deck that doesn’t break the dust bank.
And a warrior deck where you don' have to play 30 minutes and then die anyway because the opponent got his combo faster than you. ;-)
Just watch DaneHS, he shows how wild should be played
And marginally relevant at that, Maly druid is a high skill deck and there are definitely stronger (&more consistent) druid decks available atm. So much dependence on getting twig to pop at the right time.
No mention of Thun priest or druid? I feel like o have been seeing A lot of Thun decks lately.....maybe just me. ..oh well. Personally I think the Thun decks priest deck is pretty broken, toughest part is managing board until you get combo. Thun druid feels good too.....i feel the combo is a little more inconsistent in druid hands though due to needing auctioneer to get through your deck.
Some good decks. A couple though, not sure what the requirement is to say "Put the Boom in Boomsday", as they only have like 1-2 cards in them from Boomsday expansion. I think the Mage deck only has Astromancer and Giggling Inventor. A couple though are solidly made up of cards from the expansion.
You make up about 5% of the player base.
Are you promoting discrimination of minorities? You should be banned from this site...5% players should not be welcome on this site mybe??
No, they're just explaining why standard is more often targeted, it just makes more sense to post aiming at 95% of players than 5%
"decks that put boom"... you mean lose streak?? Seen better decks that community has created(and not from players that participate in tournaments)
Spell hunter that is pretty much last expansion spell hunter and still a bad deck without Barnes.
You realize it was one of the best decks last expansion right? It can stall with secrets long enough to beat aggro but still has enough staying power to beat control
It's one of the tops decks rn.
Not sure with I agree with the "Bad Deck" point, however I do agree with the "Same Deck" thought. The only change is that it has Secret Plan as the lone Boomsday edition. Had to be a better Hunter deck to showcase than that?
I prefer playing Big Spell Mage without the Bright-Eyed Scouts. Been doing pretty decent with it too.
The mech warrior deck is hot garbage, not sure why its here.
Honestly I would not recommend anyone to craft these decks. They are horrible. Only one that’s relevant at all is that Malygos Druid.