Initial Crafting Advice For Legendary Cards In The Boomsday Project
Now that we've had a few days of playing with the new Legendary cards brought to us by Boom Labs in The Boomsday Project, we've got some initial rankings to share on how well they're doing. You can use the information here to help decide whether or not you want to craft any of the new legendary cards, though we do think it's still smart to wait a couple of weeks from an expansion launch before making any big decisions.
Below you'll find our highlights of each tier, along with a description of what the different tiers mean. Full data can be found in our Hearthstone Legendary Cards Tier List & Crafting Guide thread found over on the card discussion forums. Updates will be made to that thread as things evolve.
It should also be noted we've got a special section just for ranking cards in Wild.
Tier 1 - Staples
We're not confident in giving any cards the Tier 1 badge yet because these are considered as must-have cards. Anything in this bracket is typically used in either a certain archetype that is crushing everything else or is used across a variety of high-level decks. Great examples of cards in this tier from Witchwood were Baku the Mooneater and Genn Greymane which were used in many different classes to great success.
As the meta is still evolving heavily, anything we suggest here could become outdated quickly. We've got a good idea what belongs here after a couple of weeks.
Tier 2 - Tech
These are usually cards that although not necessarily must-crafts, they're going to help you out with a particular archetype that is seeing success.
Tier 3 - Playable
We're seeing these cards working in decks and although they may not be at the absolute top right now, it could go both ways. At the very least they're usually fun additions to the game.
Tier 4 - Niche
If you've got them, it may be worth hanging onto because they're at least seeing some play. Disenchanting these cards may result in regret down the line.
Tier 5 - Trash
Dust em! It's really that easy.
Visit the Guide!
Check out a breakdown of all the cards in our Legendary Tier List and Crafting Guide. We'll be updating it throughout the expansion, you can also find it in our site navigation under the cards category.
The also claim that you should dust Bolvar, Fireblood. But that a decent card. Not a instant game changer like Tarim but he has definitively won me more than a few games.
Talk about bad luck; when the expansion was released, I logged into my Heartstone account to see what free legendary I received, and it was Dr. Morrigan! Which, according to this guide, is "Trash; Dust em! It's really that easy." :-( I then bought 10 packs of cards to see what other legendary card I could get, and lo & behold, I got another! Zerek's Cloning Gallery. Which, according to this guide, is also "Trash; Dust em! It's really that easy." :-(
Is there a reason there's no mention of Dr. Boom, Mad Genius? I'd think he'd at least be on the Tier 3 list.
i think zerek (the minion) has potential and will get better with coming expansions. the spell seems hopeless, ... although you never know about the future
Agree with you 110% on that
master cloner that is
damn I packed 2 of the 3 tier 5 Morrigan and Zerek : (
lol 3 of 4 legs I've opened are these tier 5 cards :) Two of them were in one pack :D
Priests's 9 mana spell is absolutely useless, tried it with Priest OTK Malygos/Velen..
I got Zerek and cloning lab. I think this expansion has priest hate because of the priest OP last. :(
master cloner I feel has future potential, def after expo drop. bliz is workin on priest
Electra is the only card I crafted up to now. I was extremely lucky with the legendaries I got from my packs (six in Total, of which mad boom, floop, soularium and Luna). I think we will be seeing electra in nearly all shaman decks, so I thought it is pretty save to craft... It is not a must have for any specific deck like the four I already had, though... (I would have crafted those four before electra)
So if You like playing shaman i would go for it...
Anyone have thoughts on crafting Electra?
you wont regret crafting her if you like to play shaman
If you get a garbage Golden Legendary, I think you should definitely dust it. I've dusted golden pally quest and golden blood queen lana'thel for quality cards that I actually play. No way I'm dusting my Golden Shudderwock though.. been playing with Giggling Inventor. Makes Zola, brewmaster, and banker more consistent when they have to fight through some Annoy-o-trons.
I really think over time you are going to see Zerek, Master Cloner move up the list. Several games this weekend and today where that card destroyed me and there was nothing I could do with it. Kill it, they'd rez. Silence and kill, they'd rez. I think the opponent had like 5-6 of them at one point in time, wasn't too much any of the times I could do with it.
I think it could be even better depending on future XPac's as well if there are any buff mechanics there! I think prior to this crafting article, there hadn't been many that had played with / tried it as of yet.
higher ranks zerek I feel pushes through, rank20-10 too much aggro and 15-5 a lot of odd rogue. tech cards is a must if you run it.
no, card is really good. I'd play him if I opened it. Great in paladin and makes a lot of the cool secrets actually playable because you don't have to worry about them eating topdecks.
And don't dust anything period. If you open a 2nd copy, you just lost 1200 dust for no reason. People play waaaay too many netdecks in this game and it ruins the experience. Be part of the solution, not the problem. Give some of these poor, unloved legendaries a home and you might have fun. You'll also be a badass for winning if you do, and if not, you'll at least make someone else happy for going against a non-repeatative, non-oppressive deck.
I think it would be very foolish to dust either Zerek card. I can absolutely picture one or both of those being sleepers once they're figured out or, possibly, after the next expansion comes out. Harbinger Celestia however...
Why isn't it on your profile? I'm dissapointed! ;)
That moment when you have 2 out of the 3 trash tier, and one of them is golden :((((((((((((((