Standout Winning and Pro Player Decks for Day 1 of The Boomsday Project
Tonight we bring to you our first post in Boomsday deck coverage. We've got five solid decks that have seen good play on the ladder but with everything all over the place I have to make sure you understand, everything is going to change quickly and you should not craft cards to make these decks unless you are willing to living with the consequences!
Below you'll find decks with high win rates (there's a lot of Zoolock variants right now, we've included one of the most solid ones) and some decks that have been played by your favourite Hearthstone streamers.
Minion (25)
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Token Druid
Minion (6)
Ability (23)
Playable Hero (1) |
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Odd Paladin
Still a thing! We'll see if it continues though.
Minion (19)
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Even Shaman
Minion (25)
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Odd Warrior
Not sure how long Warrior will remain okay but if you got the cards, its worth a go. Dr. Boom, Mad Genius is plenty of fun.
Minion (15)
Ability (12)
Weapon (2)
Playable Hero (1) |
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Pro Decks From Day 1
Here are some lists we've seen played by some pro players. Prepare thy wallet!
Deck | Author | Cost |
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HotMEOWTH | 15340 |
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Alliestrasza | 12400 |
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DisguisedToast | 6560 |
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Kripparrian | 8160 |
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SjoW | 5580 |
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Savjz | 12240 |
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Mr. Yagut | 7940 |
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J4CKIECHAN | 6560 |
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Rdu | 4740 |
SjoW's Control Warrior [80% WR] | SjoW | 14200 |
those are mostly streamers not pros
Play Dr. Boom hero if you want to play mechs :)
148 packs opened, not one legendary or epic in the list.
Odd Mech Pala is a bit more midrange now :P
True :( Currently one of the best low cost mechs is Nightmare Amalgam, which is just crazy, lol. Apart from Ziliax and Wargear, Harvest Golem is also seeing play, sometimes Faithful Lumi, but that's it :(
I agree with you. So I decided to just play arena. In this way I don't spend my money and still have some fun. You should try it
Agree. I’ve said before, Big B needs to slow down. I mean this in all aspects of game. Do you see NFL, MLB, & NBA constantly changing aspects of game? NO. I’m not against change or new things. However, I feel most recent changes have been for the Benjamins. ✌️
Oh hey where did Trump's decks go?
He can't have a very high win rate after a Test Subject combo deck where he fails to pull off the combo for 18 straight games...
seaforium bomber is actually just better than lifedrinker in the standard shudder list because its body is competitive, and it turns shudderwock from a combo deck to a midrange pressure deck that one shots you if youre too slow
I am. All I’ve played is homebrews, from mass secret hunter with project 9, to pogo rogue, to hand mage, to lady mech priest, to boom warrior, to academic myra’s, to mecha’thun druid. It’s not that hard to use the new cards. I have plenty of decklists of these and I’m sure others do as well. Day 1 of the expansion is the best time to experiment yet people choose to just play the same old stuff. I guess at least these lists have a couple changed to them which is still better than what you see on the ladder.
Played this deck on day 1 in a 9h stream. 63% winrate so far, so I guess it's not too bad :D
Wow this seems really funny to play
I was playing maly rogue all day yesterday and doing well over 60 damage in a single turn.
Yeah Maly rogue can get three copies of Maly with necrium blade and prep vial on the kobold. Then you still have 4 mana to use on burn spells (evis, ss, petals). Seems like it’ll be really good at countering the druid decks because it can do upwards of 60 damage. Just have to watch for weapon destruction.
Most powerful card of the set is stretching it.
Excited to try out some of these... after I get bored of playing Whizbang decks. That should give the meta some time to settle so I can know what's safe to craft.
Even Warlock has been given me wins; but I haven't pulled the Mecha'thun combo even once on it.
I have it's cool, but so late in the game that the round is usually already decided before you finish the combo.