New Legendary Warlock Card Reveal - Dr. Morrigan
A new legendary Warlock card has been revealed by Surrender!
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Oh my god, thanks by advising about that awesome synergy!
No, it isn't. Recruit is different from swap. Especially for warlock, which can often run into fatigue due to all the card draw.
Swap implies that this 5/5 does it's job, gets killed, then goes BACK in the deck, leaving you without card the lower deck count that recruiting would yield.
Additionally, recruit an 8-cost minion can fail if your deck ran out of 8-cost minions (but you still have let's say voidlord or doomguards you don't want to hard-cast, 2 of the most popular cards in warlock. And of course mountain giant. This can bring out any / all of them, and it lends itself far better to "value" deck archetypes where you produce copies and shuffle in multiple versions of this, creating in essence multiple 5/5 versions of wax rager.
There are a lot of possibilities here that the 7-cost 3/3 just doesn't have.
So much salt about this card. It's balanced to be a quirky combo enabler, not an obvious must have for every warlock deck. No issue for some legendaries to be like that.
Gut feel though, this is probably worse than Madam Goya, which was barely played as it was. Trying to build a fatigue deck around it will be hilarious every few games, but personally I'll leave that to streamers and people with a lot more time to spend than me.
and here comes another Malygos support! maybe
That's what hes saying it will keep swapping if u get a second copy in ur deck. Through baleful banker or something like that. Sorry.
Baleful banker=never fatigue
Yea, until you draw them
Sorry. But this card say "swap this card", so it go straight back to your deck just like Malone.
He could be right. It's English semantics. It says "swap", not "summon". For Umbra to work you need to summon, not swap. And it's likely that it's coded with that in mind. You don't just change card text semantics for no reason when you're a company like blizzard, so we can safely speculate it has something to do with how the code works.
No need to go off on him like that when he makes a valid point.
How would Augmented Elekk work with this card? Would it just draw 1 and add 2 to the deck or draw 2?
Why does this minion has an 8 cost if it's legendary ? Lackey is 6 and you know what minions it can recruit but with this you can just swap it with a random 1 drop Mistress of Mixtures...
because legendary title has nothing to do with power level .
this card returns to your deck and got SIGNIFICANTLY higher stats.lackey is 2/2 this is 5/5 and doesnt disappear when die.
this is kinda weird for a warlock to get
Just what i thought
People : why would you want to play this over lackey.
Me, an intellectual : Fatigue warlock PogChamp
Ok bye! You won’t be missed!
Ugh. +400. Goya did not see play. Lackey is better. 5/5 dreadsteed shenanigans will pretty much never happen, and this "combo" with shuffling more of Morrigans is hard to support. And even if for some reason infinite 5/5 will happen - game have over 9000 silence effects, and also hex and polymorph.
actually you are wrong. sending minion back to deck AFTER it fight is diffrent than sending it into deck INSTANTLY and if your deck built around this you will allways send a strong minion back into deck
silence is still a problem. but if you wont silence this then you gonna keep summoning big minions again again again without putting trash back into your deck
goya was weak because its effect triggering only 1 time . this can happen multiple times and happens to minion that allready dead so you dont lose anything on board too.
as long as you summon a 5/5 value from deck its good
here is the problem: this means you gonna play a very big deck not depending on battlecries
doomguards,felhounds,mountain giants etc...but while playing mountain giant this minion got terrible synergy with twilight drake sadly. you need a weird deck to fit this in
card is nothing smiler to madan goya. if this card is trash its not because its smiler to goya its because warlock is not right class to use this
if this was a warrior card with dead man's hand it would be miracle level power level where you make infinite value.
but warlock other than bypassing discarding has no so much value
I want to use Faceless Manipulator on this.
This card is bonkers! Imagine cubing this, swaps with for example a Voidlord, cube dies and u have 2 Morrigan’s on board and 1 in the deck!