Plague Quarter Rewards, Deck Spotlight: TheChiv's Naxxadin, Plague Quarter Countdown

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Update: Fixed an issue where we listed Avenge as the reward for Loatheb. It is actually Webspinner.

Countdown to the Plague Quarter

You can almost smell the plague! The Plague Quarter will be launching at different times in all of the regions so we have provided a countdown to make things easier. Players in the Asias regions will find themselves playing Naxxramas well before the rest of us, so if you're wanting to get in as soon as possible to make content, you'll want to purchase the wing over there. Times can be found in this blue post.

 AmericasEuropeKorea / TaiwanChina
Plague Quarter Unlocks at 23:59 PDT - July 29 23:59 CEST - July 29 00:59 KST - July 30 23:59 PDT - July 29
Unlock Status Script not loaded Script not loaded Script not loaded Script not loaded

The Plague Quarter Rewards

Tomorrow, the Plague Quarter will be available for everyone to play in the Curse of Naxxramas adventure, provided that you purchase access. The wing can be unlocked for 700 gold, or $6.99 USD, and contains 4 neutral minions, a Mage secret, and a Hunter minion. See below for the cards which you can unlock this week!

Defeat Noth the Plaguebringer

Defeat Heigan the Unclean

Defeat Loatheb

Defeat Loatheb

Mage Class Challenge

Hunter Class Challenge

Deck Spotlight: TheChiv's Naxxadin

In today's Deck Spotlight we're taking a look at TheChiv's Naxxadin, an aggro style paladin deck which makes use of those delicious Nerubian Eggs. The eggs help to curb enemy board clear to keep your low-cost hellbringers on the field. If your opponent does decide to take out the egg though without burning a silence, you've just got yourself a 4/4! The egg can also be buffed up with cards such as Blessing of Might or Abusive Sergeant to let it trade with an enemy while turning itself into a beefy 4/4.

The deck clocks in at 3600 dust, almost half of which can be attributed to the aggro staple, Leeroy Jenkins. For more information, head on over the TheChiv's Naxxadin deck guide, or check out the video below. Also found below is the deck itself if you want to get to crafting it right away!

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TheChiv's Naxxadin
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