New Druid Card Reveal - Dreampetal Florist
A new card has been revealed by Hearthstone Express.
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Double Demonic Project? :D
I heard this card will get nerfed when the next expansion hits...
I really dont like the direction HS is going. This is another push towards a solitaire style race to pull of the combo first.
Seriously? Blizzard WTF are you doing...
Yay, Druidstone again in August, just like last year with KoFT, which was also in August. Illuminati confirmed.
Can't wait to hear the developers' speech about how oppressive Undertaker Hunter was in the past and that we shouldn't compare it with Druidstone.
So Juicy Psychmelon will pull this as a 7-cost, which when played will then reduce the cost of an 8, 9 or 10 mana minion to 1, 2 or 3 respectively (assuming it doesn't hit something else). When played on curve this means you can play Malygos on turn 8 with 6 mana to spend. So Swipe, Moonfire, Moonfire + 2 mana (HP?) is 21/22 burst, 4 card combo.
Or you could Biology Project, Wild Growth or whatever and do this on like turn 4.
Druid is going to be so OP during Boomsday.
am I the only one who just doesn’t like the artwork?
Some would say "that's what you deserve for preordering expansions before seeing all the cards". But I want to help you, I think you can still ask for a refund as you didn't yet opened the packs, so go on, ask for a refund and delete the game.
Except you have to compete with all the other druids!
C'thun, C'thun, C'THUN!
Turn 1: Biology Projectx2
Turn 2: Innervate, Dreampetal Florist
Turn 3: Tyrantus
Voodoo Doll + Ping
"Hmm, well played."
(I'm not telling the shit is not insane, though, it really is)
It's amazing how people think that combo druid can put ALL cards from this expansion in their decklists. The list is quite packed.
However, this is a strong card nonetheless and if it hits the right target it can do some serious damage. 2 mana Malygos + Flobbidinous Floop + moonfire + moonfire + swipe = 36 damage. And if it hits Flobbidinous Floop it's still 22 damage from moonfires.
Well, yea it is kinda the point. You can't have all of them. They need to ramp, draw, defend and combo.
You're right. Blizzard please increase deck size so we can include all broken druid cards!!!!
Well of course you need to defend. Otherwise they'll get run over by aggro decks. If they choose to use biology project then you add more pressure as aggro decks can put minions out faster - and they want to run the 3/4 legendary they can't play run Ironwood golem + Oaken Summons and thereby losing early defense + health.
But it's like people expect druid to curve out perfectly each game. If you play biology project but don't have acces to any further draw or defense well then aggro will run you over due to high board pressure. The deck will be strong but it won't be unbeatable. Playing a 7 mana 4/4 is a huge tempo loss which a lot of decks can benefit on.
I personally think (and hope) that aggro decks can keep this deck in check. But it will probably be a bit polarizing like Shudderwock where it rapes control decks and (hopefully) struggles against aggressive decks.
And this is already a good card, which don't need any specific conditions in order to play. On the first look it even looks a bit OP for it cost, but we will see.... actually druid has so many combo cards, that even a good card may not see any play, because he don't need anymore.
yeah def my dream job!!! <3
no, it's "Holy Mally" !!!! ^^