New Druid Card Reveal - Dreampetal Florist
A new card has been revealed by Hearthstone Express.
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while i like the idea of having this kind of card in classic so u can counter combo decks its against the standard rotation to just change the origin of the card from msg to classic would screw up alot and people would start asking for other cards which moved into wild
yup... it would be a riot! prob many de the card(s)....
This + ixlid, leeroy, faceless in hand. 24 combo with 3 cards. Not OTK, but still ok.
You mean Demonic Project LUL. In Omnistone Peter said that they are not planning to give a neutral tech card for hand disruption in this expansion. So you either play Warlock against Druid, or you are fucked xDDD
Honestly, if we had tools to counter combo decks, in particular Druid, this wouldn't have been bad, but with mill no longer being a thing in standard and Warlock being the only class that could possibly screw it over with immense luck, this is just retarted. We have skillful way to screw over combo's. It's just wait and see.
Play control? You lose. You play aggro? Druid: "+6 armor, +6 armor, etc.". Playing another classes combo/otk? You dead, you too slow! Just stalling the game like Druid always does. This is just the best.....
The only counterplay Druid has right now is (Odd) Warrior and other Druids since they can put themselves out of reach of their OTK/Combo... But we just have to see, I guess....
Well, guess it's time to start working on golden druid portrait next...
More like: "At the end of your turn, reduce the Cost of a random Malygos in your hand by (7)".
"In Standard, new strategies are constantly evolving.": "In Standard, new Druid strategies are constantly evolving."Yup, I'm not touching Standart any time soon. Say Hello to 2 mana Malygos or 1 mana King Togwaggle or 0 mana Azalina Soulthief.
I can still somehow counter it with Dirty Rat or Coldlight Oracle. Even with a Deathlord if I feel desperate enough. Can't say the same thing about Standart lol
I have only played many druid last expansion.. And did extremely well... Now it has become soooo easier... Easy druid easy life..
Y'all are saying this card is busted, but do you remember Silver Vanguard?
Very different cards though, for one it can trigger multiple times (however unlikely as it may be) and its also very good at helping to activate comboes. If you can get this to hit malygos, you don't even need the twig of the world tree
WTF all this Malygos hype is bullshit. If you all think that druid will be best class then it's straight counter to any maly deck because it's by far the best armor class in the game. How much damage can you do with maly druid ? 32? 40? Even 50 is not enough by far. Togwaggle + azalina deck is so much easier to play. Fatigue is way more powerful wincondition than burst and now you need only one proc on one of these two cards to have a full combo. Not to mention that any rise of maly decks will lead meta to baku warriors having fun with 100% winrate.
You can potentially deal 42 damage: Have Twig of the World Tree ready, drop Malygos. Play double Innervate, play Prince Taldaram on Malygos. Hit with Twig, play Faceless Manipulator, then follow up with Flobbidinous Floop. You now have +20 Spell Damage which is a 42 burst to face with double Moonfire. You could also spare the Faceless and hit with Swipe for 51. If you had something sticking to your board, it's probably enough to OTK you opponent.
If you now reduced Malygos' cost by seven with Dreampetal Florist, it allows you to play it, Floop and Taldaram in one turn, break the twig, play double Faceless for 52 burst with double Moonfire.
yeah florist on malygos with all other minions in hand what a consistent play. Plus twig which no one will play in those decks, nice theorycrafting.
well druid has a lot of card draw and armor gain, plus defensive tools like Spreading Plague so it's rather easy to assemble the combo and stay alive. Also, Malfurion the Pestilent.
I bet it will be a joy to play aggro this expansion, just because a lot of people will be drawn to play this hipper-combo OTK druid decks. You can pull out your OTK combo in turn 7? Well then, I guess we'll have to kill you by turn 6.
Not so fast
Spreading Plague
I'm not convinced that Dreampetal Florist is the massively OP card everyone thinks it is. Obviously the effect is incredibly powerful, but you have to play a 7 mana 4/4 to get that value. Assuming she won't stick to the board, you're spending 7 mana to reduce the cost of a random minion by 7 and heal for four. Against an aggressive deck, that sounds pretty much unplayable.
In addition to the lack of tempo this card represents, there's a real question of an embarrassment of riches in Druid. Do you even have room for Dreampetal Florist if you're playing cards like Biology Project and Flobbidinous Floop? Maybe not.
I will add that you need to hold the minion you want in your hand and on’y this one. Cause let’s face it, this card won’t be on board two turns. So you have to play a deck with few minions.
I also expect more counter like demonic project. Very puninshing for combo card.