New Druid Card Reveal - Dreampetal Florist
A new card has been revealed by Hearthstone Express.
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Hold onto all of your Druid cards this expac because one of these cards is going to break the game
But these cards are balanced not the Batshit crazy cards they've been printing.
The return of Naga Sea Witch! xD
Jokes aside. This is a very interesting card. Just the mana cost alone is worth to put this card into your deck. But it is best placed in a combo deck.
DruidStone confirmed! FeelsBadMan
Turning lader into a saltmine since Aug. of 2018
Hahahahahahahaha I am baffled by the cards that bliz are printing for druid
the meta is really greedy , so i dont think its impossible to tech something out (alex for example)
Not only Maly, but also Toggwagle can be easily played with this. And with that new legendary. So it is obvious that thay make combo decks stronger. Or at least less clunky.
But I guess there reason. Maybe it means, that with new cards meta will become faster, more aggressive and other control decks stronger. Look at new rogue's spell, that shuffle 10. Or possibility to shuffle bunch of whatever you want. Big hunter good even now, and it wont become weaker with some mech early game. and more deathrattle synergy. Tempo-spell-damage-mage looks a bit terrifying to me, (fuckin hate tempoMages). Paladin will resurrect huge board before druid has his combo (and what druid can really do about it?). Dont know about priest, it looks like something unobvious there. Warrior — same as paladin. Shaman maybe will have some really good overload elemental deck with spellstone and giants. And of course all this combe decks will suffer from aggro for sure
What im tryin to say, its too early for panic and saying Maly druid will be god tier. Its not a problem if they make some archetype stronger if they also make every other class better.
Also I still hope for some new dirty rat
You said that a druid couldn't deal with the paladin resurrect ? It's only a matter of killing them by turn 7 :) And if anything pushing 1 archetype severely limits other classes.
Yup everyone gonna crafy Malygos now if they didn’t already. Malygos then will end up rotated to the hall of fame or nerfed to +2 spell damage
Maly won't get the nerf dude the new cards will
Especially coz a nerf to +2 spell damage would make the card worse than evolved kobalt
I'm predicting it now!!!! At some point after the release of the expansion Swipe, Moonfire and perhaps some other spells in other classes will be nerfed so that they can no longer hit face.
Hello Darkness my old friend, i've come to talk to you again...
I feel you );
You don't play this in Maly druid unless the meta is really really greedy. You just can't throw away naturalizes, spell stones and moonfires to ensure a good proc and you can't run this if you can't ensure a good proc. Could be decent in big druid.
Random minions only
don't worry))
You're right, I'm sorry. When starting to write to comment I expelicitly checked if it said minions but I guess I'm just retarded. Now I agree, it's busted.
Are you effing kidding me????
Get this card effect on Malygos once, reducing its cost to 2 mana, then double Swipe and double Moonfire for a 30 damage combo :)
Edit : One swipe can get replaced with Flobbidinous Floop for a 36 damage combo
Agreed FeelsBadMan