New Druid Card Reveal - Dreampetal Florist
A new card has been revealed by Hearthstone Express.
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So blizzard wants us to play artifact, i see
Every hearthpwner recently - If you draw to your 9 combo cards, have 2 emperor ticks and some specific minions on board and your opponent will not kill you the next turn and Mars is aligned with Venus you're able of some super cool OTK *smug face* It will definitely see play.
Can't you guys consider a card for something else than its OTK potential?
Try this one instead: if you play a 4 mana spell you win
So now i don't need to craft Kun the Forgotten King and Aviana for my combos. Great.
With Malygos this card is insane.
But remember this: If Malygos druid become a real threat, we can have a lot of warlocks with x2 Demonic Project.
But i still hope this isn't become reality, i hate too much otk decks.
Nature must be preserved!
Ok, seriously Dreampetal Florist is even better than the old Ancient of Lore.... (At least in combo decks.)
But we all know Ancient of Lore was so incredibly op, everyone begged for the nerfs that eventually came.
Kappa. The game has powercreeped over the level where Ancient of Lore would't even see play, druid has much more and better draw/heal.
- I guess (hope) that t5 are not complete idiots... and will provide some (neutral) counter to balance this oooop stuff...
- or it's all a conspiracy (and they are actually ((mad)) geniuses):: make op stuff (sell packs for $) and nerf (give non $ dust) ?? ^^
- anyway: we're in for a ride! I love it !!! :D
Yeah, neutral counters worked out so well didn't they, Skulking Geist was pretty much more of a favor for the Druid than it was you because the relinquishing of tempo to play it ensured you were going to get dumpstered
I wonder whether Maly Druid now will cut Floop for Oaken Summons. Seems like he's not needed anymore. Plus going 7 mana Florist into 2 mana Maly next turn is faster than going 9 mana Maly into 4 mana Floop anyway.
Maly druid has like, what, three backup plans now? Floop, twig, and, if all else fails and maly is the only minion in your hand left, discounting maly to 2 mana allows a double swipe double moonfire turn for 30 damage. And discounting floop or faceless is also not terrible for maly druid, if they have to resort to that.
Also: Drawn by Juicy Psychmelon, a cheaper sprint that also tutors.
Is this some kind of sick joke from Blizzard with these druid cards? O.o
If this refunds malygos you can also play the 4 mana guy gor +10 spell damage. Granted ur gonna need some RNG to not have him pulled out with the 4 mana recruit card, but that should increase the consistency of malygos druid even more. It's sad, druid has had exceptional support for so long. Doesn't matter they will be rotating a mage and rouge card from the classic set next rotation. My bet is on Pyroblast and cold blood.
Just remember, We still have a LEGENDARY DRUID SPELL.
Good news for a Main Druid like me. But It will get nerf soon!
1 mana ramp to 10 because wild growth isnt broken enough
5 mana, add Malygos, 2 swipes and 2 moonfires to your hand.
Ok this is to much, i guess my new strategy will be to insta concede against druid and pretend they don`t exist.
Nah, counter their ridiculously streamlined win condition by roping every turn
only 3 ?!?! :'(
every expansion I promise my self to play more ladder and less arena but the first one it is always too annoying