Blue Post Roundup, The Sage Kings, Play Your Way's Build of the Week, Lightning Wizard on the PTR
Patch 31360 now Live on HeroesNexus, Old Tech Alpha Bundles Will Return, Dev Q&A #6 VoD
Warcraft Movie - Animated Logo and Teaser Description
This Week in Review
Hearthstone's first adventure, The Curse of Naxxramas, finally hit! Next week, the Plague Quarter!
- The Curse of Naxxramas releases!
- We collected and posted some of the best deck guides for week one Naxxramas Heroics! If you're having trouble, go check it out.
- Eaglehorn Bow's disenchant cost has been temporarily increased for two weeks (Until August 7th!) due to the nerf.
- Refunds went out to those who accidentally purchased The Arachnid Quarter for 700g.
Popular Decks
Note: This does not include adventure specific decks!
Legend Zoo Lock by Kyukon
Naxx Hype Token Druid by EeEmPee
Shockadin by Holyrock
Legend Midrange Shaman by JackDanielsEU
Kolento Legend Paladin
Crusher Shaman by HSCrusher
Naxafari by tysisnice
- Official Naxxramas Trailer
- Funny and Lucky Moments #56
- Versus Series: [AcB] Birdy vs Blackout
- Angry Chicken Podcast #38
- Value Town #39
- Blizzard Korea Hearthstone Commercial
Top 5 Plays of the Week
Giantkiller is back with another episode of Top 5 Plays of the Week.

This channel is a part of the Union For Gamers Network.
Click for more info on Curse's Youtube partnership.
I love the Top Plays videos ;)
Thank You for deck info.
How is the last one only an honorable mention? Should be play #1.
Wednesday 00:00 PST.
RNGesus is going to be real upset if he hears you giving his RNG credit to some genie :)
number 4 was so epic the game crashed.
Awesome compilation. Earth, Wind, and Fire was my favorite of all.
I believe hearthstone is a great game and if you are willing to spend time in this game then I suggest you get Naxxramas for money. It definitely worths it as by buying the wings with real money instead of gold you get a better real money/gold ratio.
Also by doing this you support the game and the developers that have put their work on.
I find the game is quite enjoyable without spending any money on it
But if you don't want to grind gold for Naxxramas (it'll be around five days a wing) or just want a bunch of legendaries, money is the way to go.
Even if you want packs, buying Naxx with cash and then using the gold you'd saved for packs will work better. As Turalyon71 mentioned, the cash/gold ratio is quite good compared to packs.
I really thought the bonus clip was going to involve Gnomish Inventor. Kind of disappointed that it didn't.
Daddy's looking for +20. Upvotes to 20. Come on 20. Daddy needs the Hearthpwn achievement.
Aka: down vote as much as humanly possible.
Sorry Poe lol
I know. People are so cruel. Man, I'll never get +20 upvotes on a comment, because the comment system isn't designed for upvotes ... it's why nobody has got +50 yet. Because the comments are ordered newest first, rather than most popular first.
Flux was the closest with like almost 30! He made a gif so you better start doing that if you want the achi
True. Upvote currency trades best on animated gif memes.