The Best Decks for End of Season Laddering - June 2018

The Best Decks for End of Season Laddering - June 2018

We're a few days away from the end of season 51 so it's time to make a final push for better loot and to improve your starting rank for July! Check out our picks for end of season decks below.

Odd Paladin

The best deck around right now. The only classes that may give you some trouble are a few of the Druid variants, Taunt Warrior, and Control decks from both Priests and Warlocks. Thankfully, those decks aren't being played very often due to being not that great against everything out there so you don't have too much too worry about.

Legend Odd Paladin - End of June 2018
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Even Shaman

A beautiful tier 1 deck. Only really has trouble against Even Warlocks though certain Control-style decks may give you a run for your money.

Legend Even Shaman - End of June 2018
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Recruit Hunter

Destroy your opponent through massive amounts of value in the late game thanks to Kathrena Winterwisp. There are a few good targets in your deck for her Battlecry and Deathrattle which not only will activate through normal mechanics but also Play Dead. Take control of the board and you'll see great results! Odd Paladin and Even Shaman will give you trouble though, so if that's all you're seeing, don't go for it.

Legend Recruit Hunter - End of June 2018
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Odd Rogue

Much like our friend Recruit Hunter, this deck while amazing, has problems when it comes to Odd Paladin and Even Shaman. The fun early-game destruction through an out of control Hench-Clan Thug is a huge highlight of the deck if you haven't had the pleasure of playing with it before.

Legend Odd Rogue - End of June 2018
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Even Warlock

Our final pick for end of season laddering is a deck which gives trouble to Odd Paladin and Even Shaman. If you're at a spot on the ladder where you're only seeing these two decks or classes, this is the deck for you! It also does great against other classes, with notable strengths against many different types of Druid decks, Recruit Hunter, and all your Warlock brothers.

Even Warlock - End of June 2018
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Minion (23) Ability (6) Playable Hero (1)
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