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Naxxramas Not Releasing on July 15th
Gummyramas? Sort of. Naxxramas will not be released tomorrow on the 15th of July, however, they are still on target for a July release.
Quote from AratilWe are still on track to release Curse of Naxxramas in July, but it will not be tomorrow. - Aratil (Source)
We'll still eat that gummy bear when it releases. Extreme coincidence about gummy bear day, though.
People are looking too deep into it. I understand they are excited, and so are we, but not everything we say is a hint. - Zeriyah (Source)
Heroic Card Back to be Shown Before Naxxramas
Zeriyah announced on twitter earlier today that we'd be seeing the Heroic card back sometime before Naxxramas hits.
Quote from ZeriyahWhen will we see the card back for the heroic mode?
We'll show it off sometime before Naxx hits.
Front page news : Fenixdown was right.
Watch as I'm shocked and amazed.
As the guy who told you to cut the negativity - accept my humblest of apologies *bows and exits swiftly*
Well they never did say what year of July could be this year could be July 2017.
I will not be supriesed if blizz "say aaaa we realy want to realse naxx in july but we still have bugs to fix and time to waste so naxx is not happening until blitzcon" because they did the samething about price announcement
It might be soon
soon™ two
I don't give a f**k about the heroic card back. Why the hell would they go on a stupid camping trip if they aren't done with their work??
How dare those human beings not work 24/7?! What an outrage! They should learn a thing or two from sweatshops. Just look at all of those quality Chinese goods.
Because they aren't indentured servants?
You guys don't get it. I'm not saying they don't deserve whatever holiday they're taking, I simply doubt that they aren't done yet if they decide to go on a trip. I'm not angry at them for taking some time off but rather at the management for delaying the release even further for obvious monetary reasons.
Isn't it a little bit dumb to blame people who run a commercial project, that they do something to gain more money?
Ofc it is but that doesn't mean I can't express my frustration.
My guess for a release date would be the 22nd, since then The International will be over and more people can watch streamers playing Nax.
Even if they release it on the 29th we won't have all cards until end of August / September.
One wing per week right?
Next season is going to be hella messy.
No matter when they release ti the season of that time will be hella messy but fun also heheheh :P
Well, at leasts its within the next 2 weeks, so its going to happen soon!
I woke up to see if there are any good news for this week now that i haz the gold i need and i twas happy and this is how felt when i saw the news! T_T
I tend to agree with those who say that they really need to step up the content delivery schedule...
At first, I didn't think so, going by "normal" CCG release schedules (MTG in particular), but Hearthstone isn't a "Normal" CCG. It is much faster-paced than the norm, both in game length and immediacy of result. In MTG, most players don't play more than 10 competitive games a week, while in Hearthstone you can easily play ten times that with the same sort of time commitment. When you couple that with the ever-evolving meta, unbroken by event (MTG metas tend to be rather stable, within a region), it leads to a much quicker sense of boredom with the game - given card availability, a serious player can pretty much explore all the options available within a month or so.
I'm much less worried about Naxx than I am about the amount of time it will take Blizzard to get the first REAL expansion done - they get a pass on the first one, as the game is rather new, but if they don't get a 100-card expansion out by November (at the very latest), then the game is going to be in serious trouble come 2015.
I'm hoping they are planning two "adventures" (30-50 cards and the special mode) and three "expansions" (100-200 cards) a year, starting next year. That would keep the content flowing enough to keep the punters hooked, while keeping the competitive players on their toes with an ever-evolving meta. Any less than that and it probably would get too stagnant - IMHO, of course. I also don't think releasing more content than those 500 or so cards a year would be a good thing - too much content, and it becomes a real chore to collect the "chase" legendaries in time for it to make a difference in the current meta...
Just my thoughts. I'm expecting to see Naxx on the 29th, by the way - and have been expecting that ever since they said "on track for July"! Blizzard isn't exactly known for their timeliness...
I don't want to to be pessimistic, but I don't think Blizzard will release that many cards a year. They are just too slow...
I'm a bit worried about that, too - they are rather pokey on most things. My [hopeful] assumption is that the "core game", Naxx, and the future first expansion have been designed to work out the "workflow issues" of developing a computer-based CCG. In other words, the graphics and development frameworks would appear to be the major hold-ups, and once a stable way of approaching them is accomplished, developing the content itself should be rather quick.
I'm primarily concerned that their perennial scheduling problems may kill Hearthstone not because of lack of quality, but because a CCG REALLY NEEDS a seasonal release schedule to maintain a user base. A month here or a month there like WOW or D3 could be disastrous with a game like Hearthstone - and though I hold out hope that they are actually cognizant of that issue, and are actually working to get their scheduling on a freaking schedule, I'd be lying if I told you I wasn't skeptical. Only time will tell.