The Standard Brawliseum Has Taken Over Tavern Brawl This Week!

The Standard Brawliseum Has Taken Over Tavern Brawl This Week!

Welcome back, gladiator! Build a deck for Standard format this time and compete for glorious prizes!



  • This is the first time we are seeing the standard version of this brawl.
  • This brawl is much like past Heroic Brawls but instead uses the Arena reward structure.
  • One free entry to the brawl is given to all players.

How it Works

This Tavern Brawl is a cross between what we're used to seeing for Heroic Brawls and bits of Arena.

  • You will pay an entry fee equal to an Arena run to take part in this Tavern Brawl.
  • Using cards in your own collection, you build a deck for the standard format.
  • Like Arena or a Heroic Brawl, once you lose 3 games in the Standard Brawliseum you are out.
  • Rewards will be given to players based on their performance with their deck, equal to the Arena reward structure as seen below.
  • Your first run of this brawl will be free! There's nothing to lose!

Share Your Brawliseum Decks

Using our deckbuilder, you can share your decks and strategy for this week's brawl. Use the deckbuilder normally but when saving your deck, make sure you change the Deck Type to "Tavern Brawl" and the brawl to "The Standard Brawliseum". Following these instructions will help other players find your deck. Don't forget to include screenshots to show proof of your wins and losses!



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