Odds & Evens & Rush & Echo - The Witchwood Brings Awesome New Decks

Odds & Evens & Rush & Echo - The Witchwood Brings Awesome New Decks

Today let's take the servers by storm and make use of the new mechanics Witchwood has to offer. Try out these great community decks and come share your own!

BoarControl's Odd Paladin

Looking to hit people with Justice? This aggro deck fills the board with ease and has plenty of options to buff your dudes. And before you ask, yes, that actually is two Stormwind Champions and a Light's Justice in the deck. Light's helps you get rid of the token you summon for your opponent through Marsh Drake.

BoarControl's Odd Paladin
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Cheeky_Hamster's Elemental Hand of Arugal

If you're one of the lucky ones to open up Archmage Arugal and you've collected yourself some great Mage cards over the past year, you need to give this deck a go! You've got great card draw options to help fill your hand up with those delicious elementals if you can get Argual out which can lead to some insane early game value plays.

Sons of Arugal
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BOARHS' Spiteful Lady in White

Spiteful Summoner returns already with fan favourites! Using a large selection of Witchwood cards, we're seeing Dragon synergies, the stupidly OP 9/9 Unpowered Steambot, and a small amount of Rush and Echo cards. Lady in White was one of the top voted cards during the expansion and it's quite easy to see why she deserves that spot.

Spiteful Lady in White
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Ghimire's Genn Even Paladin [91% Winrate]

Cheap dudes! This deck takes popular dudeadin aggressiveness with new buffs and an ultra-cheap Hero Power. Sound the Bells! is a fun card that makes for some very powerful swings of damage that will make your opponent leave the game, though really, everything here in this package is kinda scary.

[91% Win rate: Rank 16 to Rank 5] Genn Paladin
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Justsaiyan's Rush Warrior

Warrior received lots of great looking cards with Witchwood and they're being put to great use in this deck. Since your minions are going to be taking damage, you've got other cards which interact with them such as Battle Rage to keep that hand full, Rampage for scary buffs, and the classic Frothing Berserker which plays off Warrior fun of old and new.

Justsaiyan's Rush Warrior
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Lightof111's  Odd Face Hunter

WHEN IN DOUBT, GO FACE! You can refresh your Hero Power through Blackwald Pixie giving you a solid turn 7 play of 6 damage to face from double Hero Power alone.

[EZ RANK 5] Baku Face Hunter
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Bonus: Trump's Theorycraft Odd Face Hunter

Coming from resident Hearthstone hero, Trump, this deck works a bit differently than the one above but the goal is the same, FACE! Clockwork Automaton is a fun card that is worth looking into for some extra damage later in the game - if it even makes it that far.

Odd Hunter
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