New Card Reveal - Witchwood Piper
A new card has been revealed by SnowKiss.
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They did make The Curator later, which can be used as a tutor for Malygos.
I'm not sure Kobold Illusionist is even a reliable way to get a mini-Malygos: it would only work in a deck with very few minions, since Illusionist clones a random minion from your hand. Also you'd either have to kill Illusionist immediately after it is played, which takes up mana you'd rather spend on sending spells to your opponent's face, or hope your opponent leaves it or the mini-Malygos alive during the next turn.
I think Ancient Harbinger would have been a better card if it would have had a bit more health, such that killing it off would require more resources, so even when it doesn't survive, you still have gained something from playing it. For example Doomsayer, even if it doesn't go off, prevents a lot of face damage.
Yeah, a few hours after I wrote that, I saw Toast do the Illusionist combo in the PAX tournament. I forgot that with prep or backstab you can do the kill for 0 mana, leaving more mana for face damage (Thalnos is not free, but compensates a bit for that by boosting the face damage). It does make it hard to keep all your combo pieces in hand until you can execute the combo; I've been playing a less tricky Malygos Rogue deck recently and not overdrawing was already a challenge.
I like adressed draw,it will be good in my new style of miracle deck.Very good card.How do i look this card like 3 mana 3/3 body +1 mana adressed draw?I am just interested in adressed draw xD
I like this as an arena card as it thins your deck of lower-cost cards, helps utilize your mana later in the game -- especially if you know whats left in your deck.
In standard, you could use this to set up a play for the following turn: turn 4 piper into turn 5 doomsayer/frost nova or arcanologist/secret. Or with Arugal to get 2 copies of a specific low-cost minion.
This card is honestly awesome. If you have small minions left, you make your future draws better; but the best part (to me) is if you have drawn your small minions already then you can tutor your bigger threats.
"I lost my cute pet. Where are you, boy? We must hurry to reveal every card in opponent's deck," - dirty priest.
first thought is to try it in quest rogue with wisps or flipper penguins
This card might find a home in a new type of hunter deck :O
Imma Just call it Quick Draw Hunter
Witchwood Piper + Tol'vir Warden in the same deck with
Elven Archer + Stonetusk Boar With the support of both new hunter cards
Toxmonger Dire Frenzy
While you have Toxmonger on the field, Tol'vir and Piper pretty much read, Draw a 1 cost assassinate. Dire Frenzy adds more ammo to pull from your deck.
Edit: Stitched Tracker and Tracking also exist to help get the right cards to this going more consistently
Will I choose one more card for 1 life less? Any day.
I think this card is a bit overrated. If you just want card draw Gnomish Inventor is probably better. As for the tutoring, let's see:
Keleseth decks are typically aggro/tempo, so not playing 1-cost minions would be too big of a price to pay. Also your turn 4 play would be a 3/3. Not too tempo.
Even decks? I think you want to have a lot of 2-drops to guarantee turn 2 and 3 plays, but at 4 you'd rather want to start finding bigger stuff.
Quest mage? Potentially good, but I think the role of Arcane Artificer is going to increase when ice block leaves standard. Also, how much better is drawing guaranteed Apprentice compared to general card draw? You need those freezes also!
Archmage Arugal might also find a way to make this work.
Extremely sound analysis. Wrll done mrgrlllll.
Hemet, Jungle Hunter Synergy :D
No... God no... Absolutely not, in any way, shape or form.
Both cards share a completely different purpose, Hemet, Jungle Hunter gets rid of low-cost minions, Witchwood Piper just draws them. In what otherworldly combo would you ever have both of these cards in one deck? If anything, these would completely eliminate the purpose of each other.
This is a good way to hit a specific minion on Archmage Arugal. Maybe the exodia mage works out. The only question is if Arugal is good enough to run where he more consistently gives you an extra apprentice than fucking up your draw off the piper. Doesnt look good with keleseth as you have to sacrifice 1drops and play it on turn5. Looks like a card that will eventually find a place and be good, i like it
Ok, so I have 2 cards of the same "lowest" mana cost in my deck, which one will this choose? What would be the decision process here?
Asking for a friend.
well, the same process as if the wording was "draw a minion of any cost from your deck", hence one at random (that is tied for lowest cost ofc)
It would be either which ever one is first in the deck or alphabetical order. But most likely first one.