New Card Reveals - Muck Hunter & Redband Wasp
Two new cards have been revealed by Name of the wasp has since been confirmed by Blizzard. Previously the wasp was named "Fluffy Wasp" as a temporary measure of sanity.
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Muckling Token
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What the fukling is a Muckling???
Isn't that muckling a murloc? Why not tag?
What makes you assume that it's a murloc? It certainly doesn't look like one. Is there some bit of lore or something that I'm unaware of (I know very little WoW lore)?
wow a 2 mana 4/2 that costs 2 cards... op
That'd be a wasted whirlwind. I was thinking more on the lines of 2 mana 6/2 when using that 0 cost card, deal 1 damage, give +2 attack
We're referring to the 5/8, not the 1/3.
I've been playing a tempo enrage warrior lately that can be suprisingly effective, the only thing it really lacks is a good 2 drop to contest the board against faster decks
You mean a tempo when this minion is damaged deck?
Token art for Muckling!
Both of them interesting, won't see play though on the ladder.
Chill man, I was just stating my opinion. Maybe I should have put "IMO" in there. But anyways, I'd be glad if they'd see play, just don't think they'll be strong enough cards after the release. Maybe people will put them in a tier 3 deck, but again, that's just my opinion.
buenisima la carta (en cooperativo)
great the letter (cooperative)
I think i would be happy if they removed charge completely or replaced all current charge cards with rush. i know most people wouldnt but charge is one of the leading causes of cancer says the FDA.
They should just keep charge in the game, makes them rare, everyone like rare things ;)
Hey look it's that word 'Fluffy' again. If I remember correctly a few cards in the last expansion had that word as a temporary name.
*Removes Enrage keyword because it was not used enough*
*Adds more Enrage cards*
Can we get our keyword back then?
I really think it was a bad decision to remove the keyword. It is pretty much defining the warrior class
The real reason they removed Enrage is because it's not a complex enough effect to justify a keyword. "Has... when damaged" is only two short words longer than "Enrage:", and it explains the effect without making new players hover over the card to see the popup.