The Witchwood Reveal Season Kicks Off! Newly Revealed Cards Within!
Woohoo! The next two weeks have being kicked off today with a card reveal stream featuring Peter Whalen and Frodan. Be sure to follow us on Twitter and Facebook to get notified when new cards get revealed. You can come chat about today's reveals on our Twitch Server.
Live Updates
- We're live with Peter Whalen and Dan "Frodan" Chou!
- The Witchwood comes from the "Tales of the Tavern" being about ghost stories.
- They're talking about some of the currently revealed cards.
- No gameplay on today's stream, strictly revealing cards and talking about them.
- Houndmaster Shaw is not only a Hunter Legendary, but also one of the heroes you get to play as in Monster Hunt.
- Sounds like we're going to see 10 cards.
New Cards
All new cards shown off today can be found below. Refresh your browser for updates.
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Hagath's Emotes
- Greetings: "Welcome to my domain."
- Well Played: "Well played."
- Thanks: "Thank you."
- Wow: "By the night!"
- Oops: "Unwise."
- Threaten: "The curse take you!"
Reveal Stream Video
Miss the stream? Check out the VOD down below.
Learn More About The Witchwood
Looking to learn more about Hearthstone's eighth expansion? Visit our expansion guide for The Witchwood!!
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I hope this expansion brings back the good old Control Paladin. Always been my favourite
Uhhh you know there's a popular version of control paladin on ladder right now right...? The Beardo OTK
It does not give the same feeling as Control Nzoth pally you know. Since N'zoth rotating out, maybe its too late for Witchwood to make this dream come true FeelsBadMan
good to see some cardssss at last !!
and good thing about the reveal counter ! it is practical ! good job !
I feel somewhat disapointed with the DK, not saying it's bad but i was expecting something more "flashy" so to say.
It doesn't change your health and it's not considered a minion so it's more close to the dk's than jaraxxus, but yeah the new "class hero", was too used to calling them dk's :P
Sorry for writing that's here, but i just cannot not say that. I just noticed that card-reveal-countdown on the right bar of main page. That is great idea, coz it was pain in the ass to keep tracking it by yourself. Much thankful to the one who did that. Good job guys
So, Ungoro=Quest Frozen Throne=Death Knights and KnC=Weapons.. Whats the big thing from Witchwood?
Well odds/even concept could be. But nothing that significats as quests or DK are. What's not bad I think...
They already said they aren't doing anymore odds/even
Doesn't matter. It's already playable concept with only two legs... Like Reno, no other support required, all you need you already have in the game.
I think Rush and Echo are going to play a bigger role than most people currently anticipate.
Edit: And by that I don't mean the count of cards having it, but rather how it shapes the playstyle.
Did they make a mistake with Witch's Apprentice and new Shaman hero power? I get the feeling they should be a lighter shade of 'Mage blue' instead of this darker 'Shaman blue'......
That was it? A whole hoopla of announcement about the "reveal stream" and all they covered was 10 cards?
Nothing new, that's what they do for each expansion. Sometimes they show gameplay, sometimes they don't. Now, we'll get a bunch of cards revealed each day by streamers & youtubers and a few days before the release date, they'll drop the remaining on Facebook.
Only the first copy of Gnomeferatu will cost (0) every following copy costs 2
WOW, my control shaman deck can finally get something fun. No need to use that shitty weapon anymore
Rotten Appleblaum jeans, boots with the fur...