New Hunter Card Reveal: To My Side!
A new Hunter meme has been revealed by biyouxia.
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What the fak I crafted 2 of those card and figure that it requires only spell in the deck rip my precious 800 dust. It is a card that only can be used in a certain archetype card might be perfect in that archetype but it doesn't worth 800 dust
I've mulled it over for a while, really given it some time to think about the uses this card has.
It's still bad, turns out.
The Epic Pack Filler!!
I'm gonna have fun with meming it up with spell hunter. :) Not every card is made to be the best and omg meta breaking. its a game, have fun!
Source: nubu on Reddit r/hearthstone
That's pretty funny, but still if you don't "dilute" the card pool with garbage cards how are you ever going to create something new and organic that the players gravitate towards and have fun with.
We got rekt. This card is actually very good.
Everyone crapped on this card so much before release.
No, it really can't. Even Spell Hunter isn't going to want this thing, just play it with some actually decent minions, ignore this terrible mechanic, and languish in like, tier 4.5.
By the way, in case anyone had the slim hope that you could play double Huffer for those """super OP""" 8 damage plays:
Lol!!!!!!! This is a bad joke blizz...
Ben Brode was just saying that there's a secret unstoppable Hunter deck using To My Side! and.... wait a minute... Nope. I was thinking of something else.
When i am so bored, I'm coming to see this card and laughing still. Nice joke.
I'm laughing at myself to writing a comment like this now. I mean Animal Companion is a good card with itself, even it is an op card when you think about other 3 drops in-game. our last 4/2 with charge has been nerfed, Leokk's neutral version is 2/2, there's no better 4/4 taunt for 3 cost and they all are beast-tagged. so these minions' actual cost is 4.Yes, no minions in deck requirement is a big drawback but well I guess we failed about this card. It can be good in some decks i guess. You can downvote me now. Cheers!
I usually only dust cards if I have two copies already because hey, you never know right? I think I'll make an exception here.
It was my 1st thought, it should be cheaper, cuz of this restriction.
If they're trying to build a spell hunter meta, this is a great card for it. Unfortunately, the hunter spell meta consists of something like 2 cards with one of them in the grand tournament set (lock and load).
I wonder if they will address this card on Monday's dump. That after reading all the negative feedback, they'll simply be forced to change it. If not, it'll be a shitstorm.
Doubt it, when has Blizzard ever buffed a card? They'll likely do the same thing they did with the whole purify shitstorm.
"Some people like playing with bad cards. Maybe this wasn't the best time. We may add cards that support it in the future. Blah blah blah".
Calm you nut sacks. Jesus It's not that bad for 6 mana it's worth the value, you can't argue that it doesn't have value you wont be playing this in your aggro hunter nor deathrattle hunter it has no place there. I can't undestand this community, whine that hunter has been the same since the release of the game, blizzard finally makes a new type of hunter after seeing how the community liked yog'n load hunter. Just calm down the cards is way better than purify, purify was a strictly worse version of already existing cards while this is just in line with stats, and yeah giving hunters a 6 mana summon two animal companions without a draw back surely wont back fire like call of the wild!
Hey Jade Druids, Raza Priests and Keleseth Rogues !
I'll Purify your kingdoms of oppression against the meta ! NOW TREMBLE before the might of my 2 Huffers ! To My Side! hahahah, oh wait, you again Leokk ? whyyy ??? feelsbadman
Great card to beat the lich king with. Play barns and Y'sharj only and you're all set. Kappa/jk.