Hearthstone Patch #1
A new build has been deployed to the servers. Achievements have been added, cards have been updated, and more!
Important: We are aware of an issue that is causing card tooltips to not display their attack and health.
Hearthstone has introduced an achievement system. Currently there aren't too many achievements, but it's easy to see where Blizzard is planning on going with it. Gotta catch em all!
Name | Description |
First Blood | Complete a game in Play mode. |
3 Wins! | Win 3 games in Play mode. |
Level Up | Get any class to level 20. |
Druid Victory | Win 2 games with Druid. |
Hunter Victory | Win 2 games with Hunter. |
Mage Victory | Win 2 games with Mage. |
Paladin Victory | Win 2 games with Paladin. |
Priest Victory | Win 2 games with Priest. |
Rogue Victory | Win 2 games with Rogue. |
Shaman Victory | Win 2 games with Shaman. |
Warlock Victory | Win 2 games with Warlock. |
Warrior Victory | Win 2 games with Warrior. |
Druid Dominance | Win 5 games with Druid. |
Hunter Dominance | Win 5 games with Hunter. |
Mage Dominance | Win 5 games with Mage. |
Paladin Dominance | Win 5 games with Paladin. |
Priest Dominance | Win 5 games with Priest. |
Rogue Dominance | Win 5 games with Rogue. |
Shaman Dominance | Win 5 games with Shaman. |
Warlock Dominance | Win 5 games with Warlock. |
Warrior Dominance | Win 5 games with Warrior. |
Destroy them All | Destroy 40 minions. |
Only the Mighty | Play 20 minions that cost 5 or more. |
The Meek Shall Inherit | Play 40 minions that cost 2 or less. |
Spell Master | Cast 40 spells. |
Beat Down | Deal 100 damage to the enemy Hero. |
Crafting Time | Disenchant a card. |
Enter The Forge | Complete 10 Quests. |
Arrrrrr!!! | Acquire every Pirate. |
Golden Arrrrrr!!! | Acquire every Golden Pirate. |
Mrglglglgl! | Acquire every Murloc. |
Golden Mrglglglgl! | Acquire every Golden Murloc. |
Chicken Dinner | Win 100 games in any mode. |
Big Winner | Win 1000 games in any mode. |
Total Dominance | Win 7 games in any mode. |
Card Changes
Originally posted by HearthPwnAll Classes
- NOOOOOOOOOOOO (New) Somehow, the card you USED to have has been deleted. Here, have this one instead! Type: Ability Set: Basic Cost: 2
- Abusive Sergeant now has 2 Attack, up from 1.
- Captain's Parrot moved from the Expert set to the Reward set.
- Core Hound now has 5 Health, up from 4.
- Cult Master now has 4 Attack, up from 3. Now has 3 Health, down from 4.
- Dark Summoner was replaced with Spiteful Smith: Enrage: Your weapon has +2 Attack. Costs 5 Mana, has 4 Attack, and 6 Health. The old card made the first minion you play each turn cost (3) less.
- DEBUG (New) Debug text Type: Minion Set: DEBUG Cost: 5 Attack: 5 Health: 5
- Festering Pestilence (New) Debug text Type: Minion Set: DEBUG2
- Flame of Azzinoth (New) Type: Minion Set: Expert Cost: 1 Attack: 2 Health: 1
- Illidan Stormrage no longer has a Battlecry. Instead, whenever you play a card, you summon a 2/1 Flame of Azzinoth. Now costs 6 Mana, down from 7. Now has 6 Health, down from 7.
- Imp Master now has 5 Health, down from 6.
- Jadefire Satyr changed into the Stranglethorn Tiger.
- Knife Juggler had a wording change from "whenever you play" to "after you summon". Now has 3 Attack, up from 2. Now has 2 Health, down from 3.
- Leper Gnome now has 2 Attack, up from 1.
- Lord of the Arena now has 5 Health, up from 4.
- Lorewalker Cho now has 2 Attack, up from 1. Now has 4 Health, up from 3.
- Mana Addict now grants 2 Attack this turn whenever you cast a spell, down from 3.
- Mana Wraith now costs 2 Mana, up from 1. Now has 3 Health, up from 2.
- Master Swordsmith now has 1 Attack, down from 2.
- Mind Control Tech changed from swapping with a random enemy minion to taking control of an enemy minion at random, only if they have 4 or more minions.
- Murloc Tidecaller had a wording change from "played" to "summoned".
- Murloc Warleader now causes other Murlocs to have +2/+1, up from +1/+1.
- Nat Pagle now has 4 Health, down from 5.
- Old Murk-Eye moved from the Expert set to the Reward set.
- Onyxia now has a Battlecry: Summon 1/1 Whelps until your side of the battlefield is full. No longer does 2 damage to all characters when drawing a card.
- Poultryizer changed from "another random enemy minion" to "a random minion".
- Repair Bot now restores Health to all characters, rather than just friendly characters.
- Secretkeeper now activates when a Secret is played, rather than when it is revealed. Now has 1 Attack, down from 2. Now has 2 Health, up from 1.
- Shieldbearer no longer has an Enrage effect that grants 1 Attack.
- Stormwind Champion Now costs 7 Mana, up from 6.
- Wild Pyromancer had a wording change from "whenever you cast a spell" to "after you cast a spell". Now does 1 damage to all minions, rather than a random enemy.
- Young Priestess now has 2 Attack, up from 1. Now has 1 Health, down from 2.
- Bear Form now grants 2 Health, down from 3.
- Bite now grants 4 Attack and 4 Armor this turn, down from 6 Attack. Now costs 3 Mana, down from 4.
- Claw now grants 2 Attack and 2 Armor this turn, down from 3 Attack.
- Force of Nature now costs 6 Mana, up from 5.
- Naturalize now costs 1 Mana, down from 2.
- Druid of the Claw now has 6 Health, down from 7.
- Druid of the Claw now grants 2 Health, down from 3.
- Explosive Shot Now does 2 damage to adjacent minions, up from 1.
- Explosive Trap now activates when your hero is attacked, rather than when a minion damages your hero.
- Freezing Trap no longer freezes the enemy for two turns. Now causes an enemy minion to be returned to its owner's hand when it attacks and cost (2) more.
- Darkspear Hunter was replaced with Savannah Highmane. Deathrattle: Summon two 2/2 Hyenas. Costs 6 Mana, has 6 Attack, and 5 Health. The old card caused Beasts to gain +1/+1 whenever you played a Beast.
- Hyena (New) Type: Minion Set: Expert Class: Hunter Race: Beast Cost: 2 Attack: 2 Health: 2
- Starving Buzzard had a wording change from "play" to "summon".
- Mirror Entity now activates when your opponent plays a minion, rather than when an enemy minion attacks.
- Spellbender now activates when an enemy casts a spell on a Minion, rather than when a minion is hit by an enemy spell. Now summons a 1/3 as the new target, rather than a 1/1 and hitting it instead.
- Vaporize now activates when a minion attacks your hero, rather than when your opponent plays a minion.
- Kirin Tor Mage now has 4 Attack, up from 3.
- Mana Wyrm now has 1 Attack, up from 0.
- Spellbender now has 3 Health, up from 1.
- Sword of Justice now activates whenever you summon a minion, rather than when you play a minion.
- Fade moved from the Expert set to the Basic set.
- Mind Vision now gives you a copy of a random card from your opponent, rather than taking one of your opponent's cards. Now costs 1 Mana, down from 6.
- Prayer of Fortitude was replaced by Inner Fire, which costs 3 Mana and changes a minion's Attack to be equal to its Health. The old card gave your minions +1/+1. (+1 Attack/+1 Health).
- Mental Collapse was replaced by the Lightspawn Mionion. This minion's Attack is equal to it's health. Now costs 4 Mana, up from 2. Now has 4 Health. The old card did 1 damage to the enemy hero for each card in his hand.
- Penance was replaced by the Temple Enforcer, which has a Battlecry: Give a friendly minion +3 Health. Now costs 6 Mana, has 5 Attack, and 6 Health. The old card did 3 damage and restored 3 Health to your hero.
- Betrayal now costs 2 Mana, down from 3.
- Blade Flurry now deals damage to all enemies rather than all enemy minions.
- Conceal now costs 1 Mana, up from 0.
- Fan of Knives now does 1 damage, down from 1-2. Damage is now done to all enemies, rather than just enemy minions. Now allows you to draw a card.
- Earth Shock had a wording change to reflect that Silence happens before doing damage.
- Mana Spring Totem was replaced by Far Sight: Draw a card. That card costs (3) less. Costs 3 Mana. The old card made cards cost (1) less.
- Demonfire wording changed to reflect that the +2/+2 is only applied to friendly Demons.
- Dread Infernal now has 6 Attack, up from 5. Now has 6 Health, up from 5.
- Flame Imp no longer has Stealth.
- Summoning Portal now costs 4 Mana, up from 3.
- Commanding Shout now costs 1 Mana, down from 2.
- Death Wish was replaced with Shield Slam: Deal 1 damage to a minion for each Armor you have. Costs 1 Mana. The old card caused your hero to lose all Armor and gain +1 Attack for each Armor lost.
- Armorsmith now has 1 Attack, down from 2. Now has 4 Health, up from 3.
String Changes
Originally posted by HearthPwn
- GAMEPLAY_REWARD_CARD_LEVEL_UP - Unlocked by hitting level {0} as a {1} 0=# level, 1=class
- GAMEPLAY_TOOLTIP_ENEMYHAND_DESC_SINGLE - Your enemy's hand contains {0} card. 0= number of cards in hand.
- GAMEPLAY_TOOLTIP_ENEMYHAND_DESC_TUT - Your enemy's hand of cards. Players draw one each turn.
- GLOBAL_ADDFRIEND_ERROR_ALREADY_FRIEND - That person is already your friend.
- GLOBAL_ADDFRIEND_ERROR_MALFORMED - You must enter an email address or Battle Tag.
- GLOBAL_CHAT_NO_FRIENDS_ONLINE - You don't have any friends online right now.
- GLOBAL_CHAT_NO_RECENT_CONVERSATIONS - Use the friends menu to start a conversation with a friend.
- GLOBAL_CHAT_RECEIVER_OFFLINE - {0} is offline. 0=player name
- GLOBAL_CHAT_RECEIVER_ONLINE - {0} is online. 0=player name
- GLOBAL_ERROR_GAME_DENIED - There was an error starting your game. Please wait a few minutes and try again.
- GLOBAL_ERROR_GAME_OPPONENT_TIMEOUT - The game failed to start because your opponent failed to connect. Please try again.
- GLOBAL_ERROR_NETWORK_DUPLICATE_LOGIN - This Battle.net account just logged into Hearthstone from another device.\n\nThis client was disconnected because only one connection is supported at a time.
- GLOBAL_ERROR_NETWORK_LOST_GAME_CONNECTION - Your game has been disconnected from the Battle.net game service. You can try to reconnect again by starting another game.
- GLOBAL_FRIEND_CHALLENGE_OPPONENT_CANCELED - {0} canceled the challenge. 0=friend name
- GLOBAL_FRIEND_CHALLENGE_OPPONENT_DECLINED - {0} declined your challenge. 0=friend name
- GLOBAL_FRIEND_CHALLENGE_OPPONENT_FRIEND_REMOVED - Challenge canceled because {0} is no longer your friend. 0=friend name
- GLOBAL_FRIEND_CHALLENGE_OPPONENT_WAITING_DECK - You are waiting for {0} to select a deck. 0=friend name
- GLOBAL_FRIEND_CHALLENGE_OPPONENT_WAITING_RESPONSE - You are waiting for {0} to respond to your challenge. 0=friend name
- GLOBAL_FRIEND_CHALLENGE_RECEIVED - You've been challenged by {0}.\n\nDo you accept? 0=friend name
- GLOBAL_KEYWORD_IMMUNE_REF_TEXT - Immune characters can't be damaged.
- GLOBAL_SCREENSHOT_COMPLETE - Screenshot saved to desktop
- GLUE_COLLECTION_TUTORIAL03 - Disenchant extra cards!
- GLUE_COLLECTION_TUTORIAL04 - Find a card to craft.
- GLUE_COLLECTION_TUTORIAL05 - Turn this card into Arcane Dust.
- GLUE_COLLECTION_TUTORIAL06 - Use your Dust to create this card.
- GLUE_COLLECTION_TUTORIAL07 - Right-click a card to craft or disenchant it.
- GLUE_COLLECTION_TUTORIAL07_TOUCH - Tap a card to craft or disenchant it.
- GLUE_CRAFTING_SOULBOUND_BASIC_DESC - Basic cards cannot be disenchanted or crafted.
- GLUE_CRAFTING_SOULBOUND_DESC - This card cannot be disenchanted or crafted.
- GLUE_CRAFTING_SOULBOUND_REWARD_DESC - Quest Rewards cannot be disenchanted or crafted.
- GLUE_FORGE_STORE_DISCLAIMER_DETAILS_1 - All acquired Forge prizes will be deleted from your account at the end of the closed beta.
- GLUE_FORGE_STORE_DISCLAIMER_DETAILS_2 - After the account wipe, you will receive at least one Forge Admission for every Forge Admission purchased during the beta.
- GLUE_FORGE_STORE_DISCLAIMER_DETAILS_3 - If you purchase one or more Forge Admissions you will receive a gift for helping us test our store!
- GLUE_QUEST_NOTIFICATION_CAPTION - Most Quests can only be completed in Play mode or The Forge.
- GLUE_STORE_FAIL_NOT_ENOUGH_GOLD - You don't have enough gold to buy that right now.
- GLUE_STORE_FAIL_PASSWORD_TIMEOUT - Your password challenge has timed out. Please start your transaction again.
- GLUE_TIP_DEFAULT_12 - Golden cards can be disenchanted for a lot of dust.
- GLUE_TIP_DEFAULT_13 - You can use the Search Banner in your collection to find all cards with 'Taunt'.
- GLUE_TIP_DEFAULT_14 - Basic cards are earned by leveling up a class. Expert cards come from Expert Packs.
- GLUE_TIP_DEFAULT_zz_UNUSED - You can still play against your friends while they are offline!
- VO_INNKEEPER_CM_LCLICK - Right-click on a card to take a closer look. xxx
- VO_INNKEEPER_FIRST_PLAY_MODE - You're ready to play against a real player! xxx
- VO_INNKEEPER_FIRST_QUEST - Ah you've got a new quest! Play against a real opponent in Play Mode and you'll earn an Expert Pack. xxx
Attack and health are back, but some cards images now are broken. Like http://www.hearthpwn.com/cards/99/
Yeah this is a known issue, im working on fixing it up now
we called it beta patch one, not them.
rofl Placeholder Card new mage card incoming
Hmmm, so parrot and Old Murk-Eye we will get for all murlocks and all pirates achievements i guess. And golden versions from all golden achievemets =)
Ack. That post title is really misleading.
Agreed. For a second I thought I'd missed the start of beta by going to bed, but luckily not.
First patch of many to come. I don't doubt there'll be more NOOOOOOOOOOOO in the months to come, especially when serious beta starts and the more shrewd players get their hands on the game. Glad Blizz doesn't hold on to broken cards or concepts too hard, but simply goes to the next idea.
No they haven't. I was bored as hell when I saw the updates which made me overwhelmingly exicited. I do play on cockatrice and there is a tournament today so these changes affect me and others like me so much.
This is data mining which is done by a bot as soon as blizzard applies the patch to their version. Which would mean Blizzard just made a new patch for their closed play sessions inside the coorperation. It is not certain if this will be the beta patch or it will mean we need to wait a lot more for beta since they just changed stuff.
omg /facepalm ty so much rea I thought it was today which means I won't be able to play it next next week because we will move and won't have internet for a while.
all the people that were up till 2am to get this done are by no means "bots" :)
I am so sorry I just assumed. In that case thank you so much for all your hard work and efforts
The achievements look nice but apart form the gold murloc, gold pirate and 1000 victories it will take less than a week to get them all.
Here are the changes that excited me the most in this patch:
Jadefire Satyr was removed and replaced with Stranglethorn Tiger. Which means hunters can now have 2 stealth beasts.
Dark Summoner was removed and replaced with Spiteful Smith that has an enrage which gives your weapon +2 attack. Another minion for the weapon decks how nice.
Mana Addict was nerfed to +2 attack per spell. Shieldbearer was nerfed to have no enrage.
Murloc decks have been buffed Murloc Tidecaller now increase it's attack on summon which makes the Murloc Scout count as well. Murloc Warleader is now +2 attack instead of +1 so druid murloc decks being op as fuck are now godly overpowered.
Nat Pagle stats nerfed Lorewalker Cho stats buffed.
Gelbin Mekkatorque is now damaged beyond repair. Apart from Homing Chicken all inventions can target your minions for their negative effects or enemy for positive effects.
Wild Pyromancer now does 1 dmg to all minions including itself whenever you play a spell. It is no longer possible to get more then 2 ticks off him without heal. And also no way to deal dmg to the enemy hero with him either. On the bright side this would go extremely well with the new priest niche of increased health turns into dmg. PW:Shield it to get a lot more dmg off it. Or the warrior enrage decks that like to keep whirlwind will now have two new whirlwinds.
Force of Nature cost increased to 6 and Claw and Bite became less attack for armor addition. Bite became cheaper so Svagery opness will still stand I think. But they will get armor on top of a board clear. How lovely.
Explosive shot better aoe now and Freezing trap is definately worth it now.
Turns out Darkspear Hunter was removed to make room for Savanah Hiighmane. Starving buzzard is now summon as expected which will work off of Snake Trap. Sword of Justice for paladins is also summon which was nessasery for hero power anyway.
Fan of Knives now deals 1 dmg to all enemies and also draws you a card for 3 cost. Its basicly an aoe Shiv now with 2 extra cost. Also conceal is now 1 cost.
Flame Imp is no longer stealth and Summoning Portal got increased cost now.
The biggest changes were the priest ones. They literally removed 3 cards and gave them 3 new cards. The removed 3 cards effectively screwed my main and 2 alt priest decks while allowing one of my alt decks to be much more stronger possibly making it my new main deck.
Oh dear Death Wish was replaced with Shield Slam. This means I lost my game for nothing yesterday. The dude had 17 health, 19 armor, 2 cards in hand, no minions apart from Nat Pagle (!) on the board and already at 3 fatigue dmg while I had 6 cards in deck, 8 cards in hand and 5 minions on the board without taunt. I had 22 life; he Death Wished than Fiery War Axed me.
Wouldn't the damage from death wish + weapon be equal to shield slam + weapon? In the latter case he would still even have had his armor up
shield slam is to minions which I had 5 totaling 18 dmg. he had only 2 cards in his hand left and at 3 dmg fatigue with nat pagle as his only minion which would give him %50 chance of fatigue. He had already used his shield slams. but by deathwish he dealt 19 to me which is not possible with shiled slam anymore. Sure he would have kept his 19 armor and yh he still had 2 card but I had 8 cards plus 6 in my deck even if he cleared my board he wouldn't have been able to stop my later minions while he took fatigue in the meantime. Meaning him having armor was of no issue to me cause he would have no way of winning so I would have eventually won.
Ooh you're absolutely right, dayum
NOOOOOOOOOOOO Mental Collapse is now removed :( There goes my tornament deck based off it. , Prayer of Fortitude and Penance are also removed which reduces my spell power and minion priest deck's powers.
They are replaced with:
Inner Fire: Change a minion's Attack to be equal to its Health. Cost: 3
Lightspawn: This minion's Attack is equal to its Health. Cost: 4 Health: 4
Temple Enforcer: Battlecry: Give a friendly minion +3 Health. Cost: 6 Attack: 5 Health: 6
I just realised Inner Fire can be used on enemy minions as well to make a low health high attack minion weak.
Holy sh.t this is awsome finally our first patch notes :D