New Legendary Card Reveal: Zola the Gorgon
A new card has been revealed by Trump! Now that's some serious value.
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haha yes nice what the giant actual fuck
It's a buff to quest rogue and works with Prince Keleseth
Golden Cards Matter Mechanic?!?!? I am the Excite™.
I like it; It's like Youthful Brewmaster but keeps the tempo going!
So a Stitched Tracker that you can control with the minion on the board? I'm ok with this. Could be strong in N'Zoth builds or Jade Golem decks. Like it.
Umm... why does it matter if the copy is golden? Flavor? Otherwise, this seems like a great card.
The theme of the expansion is treasure so more golden is good.
golden copy ?meme
Looks at card, hits refresh, puts on glasses, throws up.
Trump or troll?
actually its better as its a neutral, every class can play it
Its not amazing but not that bad
where was this revealed? there ain't no video on his page or on his Twitch about it.
Also, daaaaaaaaaaaamm, this card is not that good. here is te video
They didn't value him too hard, that's good.
Prince Keleseth on two, Zola the Gorgon on three, Prince Keleseth on 4! Very nice.
Alternatively, yes...
Keleseth on turn 3 instead of 2, then Counterfeit Coin + Cheat Death into turn 4 play Prince Keleseth again for 0, then Zola the Gorgon, then play Shadowstep on Zola and copy two Keleseths. Turn 5 play two more Keleseths!
And then die to Kill Command probably.
Wait, what the actuall hell.