Mike Donais Explains the Categories of Hearthstone's Mechanics
Card keywords, or mechanics, are a popular topic when new expansions are announced with discussions flooding in on the Hearthstone team not revisiting mechanics of old. Mike Donais explained on reddit that there's three different categories for mechanics and ones that they may bring back in the future could be tweaked or made more fun. Specifically, a change to Joust was mentioned.
Read his post about it down below and while we're at it:
Which mechanics do you like the best and are there any that you think should make a return?
Quote from Mike DonaisThis is a topic we discuss a lot. We have mechanics that fall into 3 categories.
Mechanics we use a lot: Lifesteal, Poisonous, Discover
Mechanics we use sometimes: Played an elemental last turn, Holding a Dragon, Mech build arounds
Mechanics we might bring back: Hero Cards, Joust, Inspire, Adapt, Quests.The nice thing is if people enjoy a mechanic they will be excited to see how we tweak it when it returns, or how we make it more fun the next time. If I was to bring back Joust for example I would probably make ties win instead of lose.
What mechanics from old sets did you all likes the best? Which ones would you like us to bring back sometime in the future?
What a bizarre way to categorize your mechanics. But nothing surprises me at this point with these devs I guess.
What's bizarre about it? It makes perfect sense to me.
1. Mechanics that start with the letter D
2. Mechanics starting with other letters
3. Mechanics we forgot
I didn’t read with all the context but I too was confused. Thinking “what about Charge? Battlecry? Deathrattle? Taunt? Windfury?” Etc.
i miss mech mage </3
Wild's still a thing buddy ;D
I like the "Forbidden" mechanic in cards like Forbidden Flame. They are great arena cards and most of them also saw play in constructed decks without ever being oppressive. They are just fair cards all around and their strength lies in their flexibility.
Forbidden Ancient is the weakest of the cards and could probably get 1/2 base stats or maybe even base cost of 0. Still, Blizzard did a good job on those. It's generally hard to find an effect that scales linearly from 1 to 10 mana that isn't either overpowered on one end of the curve or underpowered all around. That might be the reason, why we only got so few of them.
Maybe we get an effect like "Spend all your Mana. Recruit a minion that costs that much."
I like the concept of Inspire, but that's a mechanic that is extremely tricky to keep balanced, as either the ability is lackluster, or it can snowball very quickly out of control. I think that a good alternative to it is either a keyword that triggers after the first time you use your hero power after it's in play, or to trigger the first time you use hero power while the card is in hand (that reveals the card to the opponent to show what's causing a certain effect).
How about you Joust minions, and they both attack each other?
Isn't it time to change "Can't be targeted by spells or hero powers" to just Elusive or Shroud?
A mechanic I'll really like to see more in the game is Curious Glimmeroot's Battlecry- it rewards you for knowing well the meta and encourages deckbuilding that isn't obvious, it also punishes "noob" players for netdecking.
I feel like there are already many existing mechanics in the game that could've been expanded on, but have been neglected by Blizzard.
Heal synergy: Lightwarden, Shadowboxer, Holy Champion sucked. The only good heal synergy card is Northshire Cleric. Hoping we'll see more staple cards with heal synergy in the future.
Stealth synergy: So far most of the minions with Stealth are bad. Rogue also has barely any cards that have Stealth synergy. I do think there is still a lot of unexplored opportunities for it, eg. Being able to give an allied/enemy minion Stealth (can double as a temporary Taunt bypasser), a minion that gives your Hero Stealth while in play, etc.
Totem synergy: We don't have enough Totem minions! The last Totem synergy card we had was Thing from Below.
Self-damage synergy: The only card with this mechanic is Floating Watcher. Would really love to see more Warlock cards with that mechanic (but performing something else other than granting raw stats).
Enrage: The only good Enrage minions currently are Bloodhoof Brave and Grommash Hellscream. Why can't we have Enrage effects that grant other effects besides attack (like Spiteful Smith, but doesn't suck)? Eg. Has Lifesteal, or generates/draws a card at the end of turn, etc.
<= 12 HP: The only cards with this mechanic are Mortal Strike and Revenge. Compare that to Shadowverse, the whole Bloodcraft class is built around this mechanic!
Expanding more on class-specific mechanics would also further solidify class identity and makes playing/playing against each class feel more unique.
100% agree with you. Blizzard shows a total lack of imagination and creativity about making the most of their own mechanics. I see a lot more creativity and interesting cards in any Hearthspwn's card design competitions than in a whole set made by Blizzard.
How cool would it be to have a Priest card with the effect: Joust, draw the winner! Haha
Think they meant it as a potential steal, like the card from Lich King.
I like Joust! Glad to hear that it's possible to see more of it in the future. Too bad the cards with Joust weren't just slightly stronger or more relevant to archetypes at the time (TGT).
I'm all for experimentation, and it's good that Team Five isn't afraid to discard ideas that didn't work out, but I'd like to see some ongoing support for mechanics like Joust and Inspire, and tribal resources like Mech. Granted, there's risk of bloating expansions...