Hearthstone is now LIVE!
What just happened? Hearthstone is now officially out of beta! If you haven't seen the patch notes for today's patch that brought the game out of beta, you can view them here.
Quote from BlizzardThe tables are set and the tavern music is playing—Hearthstone is live!
The Hearthstone beta is complete and we wanted to take a moment to thank all of our participants for their incredibly valuable feedback and support. If you haven’t had the chance to jump into the game, now is the perfect time to check out the fast-paced strategy card game that’s fun for everyone. If you’re new to Hearthstone, getting started is simple: Just visitplayhearthstone.com and click on the “Play Free Now” button. Once your download is finished, fire it up and click on the Hearthstone icon. Install Hearthstone, then hit the “Play” button and you’ll be on your way.
As soon as you jump in you’ll challenge iconic Warcraft characters, including the ferocious Hogger, the mischievous Millhouse Manastorm, and the wise Lorewalker Cho. As you progress through these introductory missions, you’ll hone your card-slinging skills in preparation for a climactic battle against Illidan Stormrage! You are not prepared . . . for this much fun!
Once you’ve completed the introductory missions, you’ll have access to all of Hearthstone’s exciting offerings. Practice against the AI and you’ll be on your way toward unlocking all nine of the original World of Warcraft classes: Mage, Priest, Druid, Rogue, Shaman, Hunter, Paladin, Warrior, and Warlock! You can also challenge your friends to a duel, test your might against other players in ranked and casual Play mode matches, or fine-tune your mastery of deck construction for fantastic rewards in the Arena. An endless variety of decks are just waiting for you to build and play!
If you’ve already been playing Hearthstone with us, check out the new stuff we’ve added with the latest patch here!
Celebrate the release of Hearthstone with these class-themed Facebook cover photos and Twitter icons! (Available Here)
Start playing Hearthstone FREE today. We’ve got a seat waiting just for you!
New to the Game? This Section is for you!
If you're new to the wonderful game of Hearthstone, we've got plenty of resources available here on HearthPwn to help you out!
Card Database
We've got a complete card database here so you can browse all the cards and find ones that you want in your deck!
Achievements and Daily Quests
Hearthstone doesn't have an achievement interface yet, but we've got all the achievements and dailies listed in a thread for ease of access.
Leveling Rewards
In Hearthstone, you unlock various cards through leveling up your hero by earning experience when you play games. Viewing the leveling rewards in-game can be a bit of a hassle (lots of collection manager right-clicks!) so we've got them formatted for your convenience.
Secrets Cheatsheet
Secrets are ability cards in Hearthstone which activate during your opponents turn when they complete certain actions. If your opponent drops a secret, you may want to have our secrets handbook bookmarked for easy reference!
Earning Gold in Hearthstone
Gold is the primary currency in Hearthstone which allows you to buy booster packs and runs in the arena. Learn more about gold and how to get lots of it in our Earning Gold Guide.
The Hearthstone Wiki on Gamepedia
Our friends at Gamepedia have a rockin' Hearthstone Wiki that you should visit if you haven't already. They've got information on the heroes, cards, patches, and more!
When will we be able to play something other than a "worthy opponent"?
Well, this launch/patch is a big dissapointment for me... Only things I like is the reconnect feature (hopefully people won't abuse it), and the nerf on thinkmaster, as it was a boring card to me.
Other than that... I dont care about card backs or new animations. The game is still buggy, in fact, you can't alt+ tab now. This launch had an overall lack of real changes.
As an Arena-only player, I find the current arena meta dreadful. At high levels you can only see Mages and Druids with some Paladins, flavored with occasional Shamans and Rouges. Priests, Hunters, Warriors and Warlocks can barely go beyond 5-7 wins. And it's not really fun anymore. Even if you have good decks, it's the same thing all the time: survive the flamestrike or mana wyrm/frostbolt spam and you win. I dont even want them to change card stats, just rarities. I dont even think mages are OP overall, just have way too many good common cards. In fact, other than ice lance and maybe ice barrier, all the common mage cards are extremely useful, regardless your previous picks.
I hoped the lauch will come with the inroduction of adventures or at least a major balance change before the full release (I know, they stated they dont want to balance old cards anymore), but nope.
What up!!! Nice update to HS!! I am a Hearthstone n00b fighting my way from know-nothing up through the Ranked matches I need in order to achieve access to the Arena. I am pretty excited and have been really enjoying the game. Infact, I am posting a commentated (not strategically focused commentation btw, more fun-commentation) video of every game that I play on the journey. Here's one of them so far if you're interested in the verbalized experience of another player and also just having some fun watching the ole Gamingo play. http://youtu.be/ 1RekTSiYWko I would appreciate some strategy tips in the comments from ya'll with more experience!
Floating minion bug isn't fixed.
Perhaps spend less time on "shinies" and patching cards incorrectly and fix the effing bugs.
Where is my iPad version?
Can't find it in App Store, so seemingly the game ISN'T released yet..
Um, I thought we got to reopen all of our packs we had purchased with real money upon release, or did I misread that somewhere?
Now I'm sad because I burned great cards in the beta, trying things out, not realizing we wouldn't get a reset :(
They've been saying for months that there would not be a new reset, and I've mentioned it several times in the news, which felt like I was beating a dead horse. I'm sorry to hear that you ended up disenchanting some great cards, it really does suck. Hopefully though you still have enough to build some cool decks with and can open up some great packs!
This is pretty annoying indeed. But it seems they have only wiped accounts once, which was after closed beta and the beginning of open beta. I, too, was under the impression of an upcoming wipe and am pretty upset about it. Did any other Blizzard game keep beta progress on release? No.
How long will this event last?
The iPad beta should be starting up soon according to the season strings. The current test season (4) is also tied to the iPad beta according to the client. If the next season starts on April first as expected, that means iPad beta should be out within the next two weeks.
Wow that came right out of the blue. I figured there would be an announced release date like normal. Just *BAM!* release.
Will our overal game progress reset with live version? I read nothing about it on patch notes.
There has not been a progression reset.
As president of the NO BETA / BETA Club I would like to say it was a Great Run! We shall be remembered as the old ones of this game who got in and participated to it's growth! Be proud my members! It was a Joyfull Raid! Ty Flux for the support we will keep rpomoting the love for this game!
It was a fantastic beta, even with some of the frustrating bugs! Congratulations on a successful run of the NO BETA CLUB and I hope that we don't have to see it again for this game!
Dont forget we were the NO BETA And Beta Club! We will be working our buts off in the Heroes Of The Storm Club! Let us rejoice and be happy for this change!
Lets have a Party now! (Damn a tear left my eye!)
Hurray! Let's celebrate!
Woohoo! EU up tomorrow, can't wait! :D
Only thing missing is that we are still in a test season for ranked or this would be PERFECT!