Hands on with the Kobolds and Catacombs New Dungeon Run Feature
We've got some of our greatest men on the show floor and we've gotten a chance to play through the new Dungeon Run feature in Kobolds and Catacombs. Here's what we've learned.
What is a Dungeon Run?
Dungeon Runs are a new type of single player content for Hearthstone, much like an Adventure. We won't be getting an adventure this time around due to Dungeon Runs but they're very similar in idea though Dungeon Runs have a ton of replayability.
- You'll pick a class to go on your Dungeon Run with.
- After you defeat a boss in a Dungeon Run, you get extra loot to power your deck up.
- Passives: Cards that give you a bonus for your run.
- Treasures: Powerful cards that are added to your Dungeon Run deck.
- Cards: You'll get to pick between themed bundles of cards to add to your Dungeon Run deck.
- There are 48 unique encounters in total, which are further augmented by the variance in cards you play with each time.
- Losing to a boss in a Dungeon ends your current run.
- If you win a Dungeon Run with each of the 9 classes, you unlock a card back!
The best part about Dungeon Runs? They're completely free! You don't even need to have cards in your Hearthstone collection.
We don't know too much about all the bosses yet, but here's what we've learned so far both during panels and from playing.
- Blacksteed
- Hero Power: 0 Mana - Transform a minion into a random one that costs 1 more.
- Giant Rat
- Hero Power: Rat Race (2 Mana) - Summon two 1/1 Rats.
- Elder Brandlemar
- Hero Power: Dampen Magic (2 Mana) - Put a Counterspell secret into the battlefield.
- Waxmancer Sturmi
- Hero Power which creates wax clones of minions on the field. They're 1/1 copies.
- Room of Traps
- It's one of the hardest encounters out there.
- Due to difficulty, it has a lower chance to show up.
- Battlecrier Jinzo
- His Hero Power is a passive which makes Battlecries trigger twice.
- Frostfur
- Hero Power: Freezes a minion for 2 mana.
- Kraxx
You get two of these a run and you'll get them after you start to accumulate wins. Their goal is to increase your power. These are the passives that are available on the show floor today with many others being
- Captured Flag - Your minions have +1/+1.
- Glyph of Warding - Enemy minions cost 1 more.
- Justicar's Ring - Your Hero Power is upgraded and costs (1).
- Khadgar's Scrying Orb - Your spells cost 1 less.
- Mysterious Tome - At the start of the game, play 3 random secrets.
- Potion of Vitality - Double your starting health.
- Small Backpacks - At the start of the game, draw 2 cards.
In addition to the passives you earn throughout your dungeon journey, there are also treasure cards. Like passives, you only get two treasure cards per run and they will unlock throughout your dungeon journey. Here are the treasures that were active on the show floor.
- Bag of Coins - Fill your hand with Coins.
- Boots of Haste - Your minions cost (0) this turn.
- Gloves of Mugging - Steal 3 cards from your opponent's hand.
- Horn of Cenarius - Recruit 3 minions.
- Rod of Roasting - Cast 'Pyroblast' randomly until a hero dies.
- Vorpal Dagger - Poisonous. Mega-Windfury (Can attack four times a turn.)
- Wand of Disintegration - Silence and destroy all enemy minions.
- Wax Rager - Deathrattle: Resummon this minion.
- Wish - Fill your board with Legendary minions. Fully heal your hero.
Expansion Guide
Our expansion guide is up and running for Kobolds and Catacombs!
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There is a card from Chad can be added to your deck I'm not sure how many people know this.
Maybe worth noting that Passives seem to stack, meaning taking Glyph of Warding twice makes opponents' minions cost (2) more.
There is a treasure for 2 Mana that shuffles yours and your oppenents deck, then gives both opponents half of the shuffled deck back. It also discounts your minions in your hand and deck (I dont know if it was just the minions though) by 2 Mana.
So you spend 30 to 60 minutes playing games that are 80% based on RNG and if Blizzard decides it's time for you to lose to Boss 6/8 you're left with... nothing.
It's basically everything I hate about Arena and Brawls (even more dependant on RNG than constructed). Minus the rewards. SeemsGood
Plus the games I waste my time with dont even count towards quests! Aweeeesome.
Can you guys update the Bosses?
I found a great interaction with one of the easiest bosses A.F.K.... If you emote "Well played" all HELL IS ABOUT TO BREAK LOOSE!!!
Thanks guys try it out on your 1st turn after "greetings" emote sooooo yeah GL&HF
I am making this a new challenge in HS : BEAT A.F.K after you emote "Well played!"
I challenge you
Disguised Toast
Theres a boss called George and Hank (I forgot) Hank has 40hp and the hero power: Give all your minions Divine Shield. And If you defeat Hank, George becomes in control and he has 40 health and the justicar Paladin hero power.
I have an idea to fix the problem that many people are complaining about. How about a wanted board with wanted posters and you have to kill the wanted bosses to get rewards. The final boss wanted posters give card packs and the others give gold. The wanted posters regen every day.
I haven't seen this one mentioned. I ended up against a 70 health demon as the final boss Azari, the Devourer. He had a 0 cost passive of discarding 2 cards of my deck each turn.
He seems pretty broken (I managed a win but only because I had 7 Jade Swarmers, 2 Shurikens, 4 Jade Spirits and 2 Aya Blackpaws in my deck)
I managed to beat him as well with a quest mage lich Queen deck filled heavily with elementals.
Great fun but I do wish there was some incentive to run dungeons. I'm afraid they might become a bit stale. Which would suck
All other releases gave us cards for completing certain wings,
Hopefully the dungeon quest come thick and fast
Uhm... Wtf is wrong with Waxmancer Sturmi? oO
That hero power is insane. 3 Mana summon a copy of a minion. They are not 1/1 as mentioned above. That is ridiculous. Just faced him and he summoned two Highmanes, 2 freaking 6/5 deathrattles....
depends on the stage you face him, in low stages he summomns 1/1 on higher 3/3, same goes for the other bosses where at high stages their hero power gets better
My first final boss 8/8 stage is The Darkness - 70 HP, 0 power passive automatic hero power - summon 5/5 darkspawn, and at the start of the game you will get three 0 mana spells which destroy all darkspawns.
It was very unfair match, all he played was priest single target removal (Sw-Death, Entomb, Mind Control) plus some rogue secrets. And floods the board with hero power. I had no chance with my mage, trying to find DK Jaina to stay alive little bit more (not succesfull)
I got it first try with Mage, I picked double my health... and stealth minions for passives.. The Darkness just had 10 cards in had at all times and got milled, he couldn't target my minions. I also picked Reno which was really good against an earlier boss.
it was fun w mage!
The Darkness is the only final Boss I have managed to beat lol. I find Xol to be a lot harder
New Dungeon Card i checked it was in the Guide i got a Storm Gouradian out of it. See in my Line of Cards