Hearthstone Patch 9.1 - Card Balance Changes Have Arrived!
Patch 9.1 is now available for download through the Battle.net desktop app and will soon be available on mobile. Details on the patch can be found below.
Card Nerfs
The following five cards have received changes. You can learn more about why they've been changed here.
- Innervate - Now reads: Gain 1 Mana Crystal this turn only. (Down from 2)
- Fiery War Axe - Now costs 3 mana. (Up from 2)
- Hex - Now costs 4 mana. (Up from 3)
- Murloc Warleader - Now reads: Your other Murlocs have +2 Attack. (Down from +2 Attack, +1 Health)
- Spreading Plague - Now costs 6 mana. (Up from 5)
Tag Team Brawl Changes
The Fireside Brawl, Tag Team, has received an update to its playable decks.
- [New] Druid - Rumble in the Jungle: Enter the jungle with giant beasts and darker things...
- [New] Hunter - Unleash the Beasts: Release a stampede of beasts while hunting for the Marsh Queen!
- [New] Mage - Elemental Secrets: Guard your secrets and unleash elemental fury!
- [New] Paladin - Dark Light: Bend the Light to your will, while you unleash the Apocalypse!
- [New] Priest - Unbreakable Inspiration: Slow to start, but inspirational to behold.
- [New] Rogue - The Acolyte: Fast miracle rogue who worships Yogg-Saron.
- [New] Shaman - Totems Hate Secrets: Blast away your opponent's secrets!
- [New] Warlock - Death Becomes Your Foes: Summon monstrous demons and burn away the enemy's weapons
- [New] Warrior - The Rock: Enrage your allies, while wielding weapons at your foes!
New Brawl Chalkboards
One new chalkboard has been added.
Official Patch Notes
Quote from BlizzardIn this Hearthstone update we are making balance changes to several cards.
Please read the Upcoming Balance Changes – Update 9.1 on the official Hearthstone site for full details regarding the reasons and philosophy behind these changes.
This patch is now live on desktop. It will become available on mobile devices in the coming hours.
I've been playing Hearthstone as a Druid since the beginning of the game. Innervate is a staple. Cutting it down to 1 mana is a destruction of the entire class. Somehow Druid wasn't overpowered until the latest expansion, so I'm pretty sure Innervate is NOT the problem. Instead of nerfing just the new cards that they screwed up, they go after cards that have defined the class since the beginning. Very disappointed. Innervate now joins Keeper of the Grove as a previously useful card that's now garbage.
thats happening next patch not this one. This patch was just a balance patch.
so long you will forget you were even waiting for it
Im doing a hunter quest and in 7 games i played vs 5 druids and 2 shamans, bouth that JADE CANCER BULLSHIT !
This is a fuckin problem now and forever Blizzard you blind fools, but hey at least Call of the Wild is not dominating the meta like it used to.
But i guess they gonna nerf it anyway (just like hex), and then animal companion, because it's a basic card played in almost every hunter deck.......
Nerf hex ahhahahahaahhaha
LOL... Pirates missing on the "talk like a pirate day"...
Loving it!
Just got 1600 dust from 2 golden Spreading Plague. Thanks alot blizz!
Golden common is 400 dust, rare 800, epic 1600 and legendary 3200. Nerfed cards are disenchanted for their full dust value.
2 Golden Warleaders would give him 3200 dust
I had 2 golden Spreading Plague too! LOL 1600 dust:3
you mean 800 ? golden rare = 400 dust
Lost all my stars in rank 10 earlier then received the message saying "can't lose rank" so I stayed at rank 10....what's going on? Part of the event/patch maybe?
This happened awhile ago in a different patch
So which ranks does this apply to then?
The more you know. Cheers guys
Tuesdasy morning and I'm still playing pre-nerfed cards on mobile in North America - not sure when I'll be forced to update, but enjoying a few final hours with Ramp Druid and 2-mana crystals from Innervate.