Blizzard App Being Rebranded Again - Blizzard LIVES! In a future update the Blizzard App will be getting another name change, this time over to Blizzard
Quote from BlizzardWhen we announced that we’d be transitioning away from the name for our online-gaming service, we suspected that the shift would be challenging. We understood that stood for something special—it represents years of shared history and enjoyment, community and friendship, for all of us and our players. is the central nervous system for Blizzard games and the connective tissue that has brought Blizzard players together since 1996. The technology was never going away, but after giving the branding change further consideration and also hearing your feedback, we’re in agreement that the name should stay as well. Take it from the developer formerly known as Silicon & Synapse, and Chaos Studios, names are important too.
Moving forward, to help offset some of the original concerns we listed back in September, we will be connecting “Blizzard” to “” in our logo for the service and in general when we refer to it in print: Blizzard
We appreciate your feedback and look forward to many more years of bringing players together online.
Blizzard Entertainment has become self aware...
Please please please tell me someone wasn't paid to come up with this name.
I honestly completely missed that it was changed. So just to be sure, it wasn't called anymore? I sure always called it that...
For a few months they rebranded it as "Blizzard App." It was a fucking stupid name, plus was iconic and easy to remember. So that's why they're changing it back. Why fix what isn't broken?
This seems like a lot of hassle for the company over something kind of meaningless.
Wow. Get it together Blizzard... Lol.
2018: The App formerly known as Blizzard
2019: TAfkaBB
2020: Blizzard
A Blizzard programme.
I've never changed the shortcut icon label. 4life always known it as such since 96' and playing Warcraft 2. it will never go away.
Doesn't it cost $10 to change your name?
Why doesn't Blizzard just hire a new PR department and be done with this shit? My god, what even.
'His hand.'
Tyrande upgraded from waifu to husbando.
We all still referred to it as anyway.
I will miss "correcting" myself amongst friends. It always stirred up a quick "WTF Blizzard WHY?!" laugh.
"We fucked up, lets revert the name".
How can they call the client Blizzard or Blizzard when Destiny 2, an Activision game is being released on the client? 🤔
Watch them change the name again to Blizzard/Activision LUL
I dont even know what the official name is. I just call it "the launcher" for INSTERT GAMENAME. I call it the "battlenet launcher" when i talk about it.
Where does the games get played on? The battlenet... since Diablo1
And iam somehow sure that iam making "battlenet accounts" since starcraft1, with the difference that blizzard doesnt delete modern accounts anymore (unlike SC1 Battlenet accounts if you didnt play for some time).
What is the point in renaming that software all the time? It is the launcher that launches games for the battlenet... iam somehow sure that ANYONE who downloads this know that the games are made by blizzard. This is what happens when you let people who never played a game before work in marketing and try to "create a brand"