Knights of the Frozen Throne Launches This Thursday!
Hearthstone's newest frosty expansion launches on Thursday (Friday EU) and we're here to give you all the details in one easy place!
- 135 new cards have been added to the game.
- Datamined client data shows there is 3 Free Frozen Throne Packs waiting for you when you login!
- The expansion contains mission content for free. These missions can earn you Frozen Throne packs.
- Four mission bosses will be available the first week, with another three opening up the week after.
- The Lich King boss fight will be available during week 3.
- Don't forget you can use Innkeeper to track your collection on the site to find decks easier that you can craft!
Global Launch Times
- Americas - LIVE
- Asia - LIVE
- Europe - LIVE
Your Launch Day Goal
- Craft any golden Legendaries you really want. This is important due to the new no duplicate legendaries rule.
- Login and complete The Prologue to get a free Death Knight card.
- Open any Frozen Throne packs you have acquired. You get a guaranteed Legendary within your first 10 packs.
- Play Hearthstone!
- Share your awesome decks with everyone on HearthPwn via or Deckbuilder.
New Keyword: Lifesteal
Hearthstone's taken one of the previously seen effects on cards and turned it into a new keyword.
- Damage dealt by cards with Lifesteal will also restore that amount of Health back to your hero.
- All minions with Lifesteal have a broken heart at the bottom of their portraits when on the gameboard.
- The Keyword appears on 16 collectible cards.
Here are some Lifesteal cards that you can find in the game. You can find all collectible Lifesteal cards right here.
The Death Knights
Each of Hearthstone's primary nine heroes has died! These new collectible cards can go into your deck and give your hero new Hero Powers when played.
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Death Knight Class Cards
A set of Death Knight class cards has been added to the game! These cards aren't in anyway tied to the Death Knight heroes but instead are generated through the effects of The Lich King and his little borker, Arfus.
Wild Set Rotations
There are no sets rotating out to wild with the release of the new expansion. Set rotations only happen at the beginning of a new Hearthstone year which usually happens in April which means we've got another 8 months to go.
Icecrown Citadel Adventure Missions
A free adventure is included with the Frozen Throne expansion, and future ones too!
- You earn free card packs for completion of wings. First wing gives you a DK Hero Card instead.
- The first week will see The Prologue open up and the Lower Citadel which contains 3 bosses.
- Don't forget you're able to share your decks that helped you beat bosses by using our deckbuilder.
- We'll have more information on the adventure content in an upcoming post!
These are the current guides we have up for the new adventure
New Playable Hero: Prince Arthas
A new hero has arrived! Prince Arthas is the new Paladin hero and can be yours provided that you can defeat the Lich King with all nine of Hearthstone's classes. Prince Arthas will not be available until the third week of the Frozen Throne as that is when The Lich King boss fight activates.
Hero Voiceovers
Background Music
Theorycraft Frozen Throne Decks
Our community here on HearthPwn has been busy throughout the reveal season creating new ideas with the Un'Goro cards. Check out some of our favourites below and be sure to share your ideas in the comments. We've also included a set of decks courtesy of TrumpSC.
Share your own decks using our deckbuilder tool.
Community Decks
Deck | Author | Cost |
![]() |
simonsald | 11960 |
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Ellstrom44 | 14960 |
![]() |
XIII | 10660 |
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Hakkene | 8160 |
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seksireturns | 10700 |
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HaruAritaRAM | 13480 |
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Aeneas80 | 5000 |
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Riicochet | 13280 |
Trump's Decks
Frozen Throne Deck Recipes
Blizzard has added in 9 new deck recipes to the game with this week's patch which feature some of the new cards.
Share Your Own New Decks
Have you created a deck using cards from the new expansion that you're finding success with? Head on over to our deckbuilder and share it with us! Click the banner below to go to the deckbuilder. Don't forget to write a short description to let people know how it works!
Share Your Pack Openings
We'd love to see what you crack open whether that is out of those pre-order packs or from all that gold you've been saving up for months. Check out our two dedicated threads for sharing your openings, one that is for opening videos and the other for screenshots.
Open a Simulated Card Pack
Compete on our site leaderboard with simulated pack openings now featuring Frozen Throne cards!
Visit Our Frozen Throne Guide
If you want to take a look at everything the set has to offer, you should head on over to our guide where you can take a visual look!
Get Cheaper Packs!
This section contains affiliate links. They help the site!
Although you can't make use of this offer for the new packs yet, you can collect cards on the cheap from expansions by using Amazon Coins. It does require an Android device though since you need to install the Amazon Underground Appstore in order to get the correct Hearthstone app that lets you redeem the coins.
So go buy some Amazon Coins at a discount to get cheaper packs! You can save your coins for the launch or spend them on older packs now. Be sure to visit our guide to learn more about Amazon Coins.
Global Launch Times Blue Post
Quote from AratilGreetings!
There’s a chill in the Tavern as we prepare for the launch of Knights of the Frozen Throne! We’re excited to get Hearthstone’s latest expansion in your hands as quickly and as smoothly as possible. The expansion will roll out on a region-by-region basis, beginning with the Americas. After we ensure that everything is running smoothly, we will then roll out the expansion to Asia, followed by the Europe region. We estimate that Knights of the Frozen Throne will be available for play by the following times:
Americas Region: August 10 12:00 PM PDT
Asia Region: August 11 07:00 AM KST
Europe Region: August 11 05:00 AM CEST
The new Icecrown Citadel mission content will also be available with the release of Knights of the Frozen Throne, in the form of three parts. One part will release each week, at the estimated release times indicated below:
Rise of the Knights of the Frozen Throne: Prologue & Lower Citadel
Americas Region: August 10 12:00 PM PDT
Asia Region: August 11 07:00 AM KST
Europe Region: August 11 05:00 AM CEST
Battle For Icecrown Citadel: Upper Reaches
Americas Region: August 17 10:00 AM PDT
Asia Region: August 18 05:00 AM KST
Europe Region: August 18 12:01 AM CEST
Showdown with the Lich King: The Frozen Throne
Americas Region: August 24 10:00 AM PDT
Asia Region: August 25 05:00 AM KST
Europe Region: August 25 12:01 AM CEST
Don’t forget to shake off your boots before coming into the Tavern -- We’ll see you soon!
40 packs, only the guarentied legendary on pack 5. FML
Opened up Moorabi and The Lich King in the first 10 packs :D
No duplicate LEGENDARIES. Please read first before calling people scammers...
he said in the same
A request to the site devs: could you pls update the "patch-tag" labelled to the decks (currently it shows the "Quest Rogue Nerf" patch)? Thanks in advance!
Everything you need to know about expansion:
Opened 18 packs and got:
Ben are your pity timer broken again ???.
And Rotface as legendary
very disappointed
Opens 18 packs... Get's a legendary in his first 10 packs (like blizzard promised) and then cries about the pitty timer LOL. You get 1 guaranteed legendary in 40 packs, so please don't whine when you get 1 legendary like 99% of the people opening 18 packs. If you opened 50 packs and got 1, you can be salty.
"You get a guaranteed Legendary within your first 10 packs."
Opened 10 packs, rares and commons. Guess who just broke the rule? CoolStoryBob
live in eu boys, everyone get in here!
i log in for upvote this
still almost 2,5 hours before we get expansion and heartpwn is allready release to guide how to beat adventure. all hype is gone before we even get new cards.
What a coincidence, such a smart comment with a pirate on the avatar.
Need to change the title next to the comments to "The Frozen Throne" or something.
EU player here but i was clever enough to switch to the USA server after like a week of playing since i've noticed Americans have it better. After all it's a card game, not that the lag matters.
Feels good man.
Anyone know if I dust a legendary I do not want (looking at you princes) does that then open the door to me opening it again in a pack since its no longer in my collection? Hoping not else guess ill be holding on to the ones I don't.
Im not European but chosen EU server, mistakes were made!!!
Date una medaglia a quest'uomo!
Scusate se non scrivo in inglese: sono uno stronzo nazionalista PogChamp
Asia is also LIVE
Na gets expansion few times earlier that blizzard say so maybe they get expansion bit earlier in eu also. But i think so propobly just screw eu and we dont even get that in after 7 hours. I dont even get it why na get that 10 hours before eu #FeelsBadMan