New Card Revealed: Ticking Abomination
A new card was revealed on Twitch by streamer C4mlann!
C4mlann's Reveal Video
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this is actually disgusting if this is the only card they reveal after two weeks of waiting.
Well the hype is dead
I wonder if Blizzard is really satisfied after waiting 2 weeks building a "reverse hype" and in the first day, reveals only one card, probably one of the worst cards ever seen. Wtf, is that way they're pretending to sell the pre-order packs? I really don't get it. Plus frustrating everyone else that want news.
thought the whole point of waiting was to reveal more than one card a day
OK, after thinking about this for a bit, I think this will be for the Druid Quest. Most low mana cards are spells, Wrath, Wild Growth, this would be a nice 4 mana 5 attack minion to (hopefully) absorb some damage and get you towards your goal. Still seems kind of trash. If it had Taunt this would be sick!
This card will be better than people expect it to be... Maybe.
Not unfair enough to see play. I mean, if you have spells you'd like to cast and don't often have a huge board (mage, ramp druid), the dude seems OK-ish, but probably not better than current options out there. Innervate this out, and that's a lot of body, and you can probably just Wild Growth or Nourish behind it. It'll be dead by the time you want to play other minions. I don't think it's worth the deck slot, but if I were forced to put it in a deck, that'd be how I'd try to use it.
So verdict: bad card, 1-star won't see play. I'm glad they're printing the card, though. Seems like something fun to get from an Evolve/Devolve or other random effect. He's over-statted, which is good, but with a potentially huge downside of wiping the board. It'll be really cool to see games where this thing sneaks in, and folks have to play around it.
Really? That's it? I hate to be a whiny btch but man, we kinda waited a lot for something so underwhelming... At least they could've revealed a hero card or a Lifesteal card...
It's not even useful in silence priest. The deck runs mostly spells and silence/ taunt enablers. Only the minions that best profit off of silence and taunt effects see any play like Ancient Watcher and Humongous Razorleaf. This is just a yeti with +1/+1
Not exactly what i was expecting for a 1st card reveal.
This would go great in a silence deck
Purify hype.
Unneccesary waste of two card slots in your deck. Not worth it.
probably the most garbage card reveal of all time
Saving the best for last I hope...
Well I'm not mad... I'm just disappointed
A dev actually said there would be "multiple" new cards each day to talk about starting today.... and the day is nearing an end even in NA.