Need a Budget Deck for Un'Goro? You've Come to the Right Place!

Need a Budget Deck for Un'Goro? You've Come to the Right Place!

Some members of the AskHS Discord set out on a mission to create budget decks for each of the nine classes which incorporate some of the Un'Goro flavor. The decks aren't meant to get you to Legend, but they do show you a good offering of what the expansion has to offer for each class which can help you decide how you want to spend your hard earned dust when you want to evolve the decks further.

The following decks have all been tested on ladder and the group was happy with their performance. You can check out their post on reddit for some more information and leave them any comments if you wish.

Thanks to Alice, Dan, Scorpion, SMOrc, and Siveure for putting these lists together and sharing them with the community!

The Decks


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