HearthPwn January Site Update! Deck Listings, Deck Pages, Streams

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HearthPwn January Site Update!

We've just launched our January Site Update! Our developers have been working hard on new features based on your feedback, and we'd like to share with you all the new fun stuff here at HearthPwn.

If you encounter any issues with today's site update, we'd appreciate it if you would let us know in our Site Feedback forums.

New and Improved Deck Listing

We've listened to your feedback, and browsing decks before wasn't much fun. We've added several new filters to our deck listing page to help you find decks that you're able to craft with ease. Maybe you're looking for an Injured Blademaster paladin deck which doesn't contain legendaries? We've got you covered, assuming someone has built that deck, with our new filters! We've also got a new algorithm to find the hottest decks, and the top from this past week, month, and all time.

New features on our deck listing page includes:

  • Card contained and does not contain filters. Find decks that are relevant to your own collection!
  • Card Count by Quality, by Set, and by Type filters. 
  • Dust cost filters. Great to find one of those low budget gems!
  • You can now view the number of views, a decks dust value, and when decks were last updated.

You can find our community deck listing here.

New Deck Pages

While we were busy with the deck listings, we decided to give our deck pages a bit of love as well. They have been reorganized to display the important information first. Decks themselves have been moved to the right side of pages instead of all the way at the bottom, and the quick info box has been simplified. Check out this deck to explore our new deck page layout.

Streams Section

We've added a Streams section to the site so that you can watch your favourite Hearthstone streamers right here on HearthPwn. We've gone ahead and also embedded chat services on the stream pages so that you can ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ to your heart's content.

Stream listings are provided by Twitch, and our section is populated with streams which have over 100 viewers. If you're a member of our community though, and have a thread for your stream in our streams and videos forum, we will keep an eye out for you and add you to our list.

Card Image BBCode Addition - Size!

If you're no stranger to our card and cardimg bbcodes, you're going to love this. Previously, card images were just slightly too big for inclusion in forum posts, but now, you can choose to set the size of them! Card images are a great tool to give your guides some extra flair. Setting up sized card images on your posts is easy.

To get this: (230px wide cards)
Normal: [cardimg size=230]Deathwing[/card]
Golden: [cardimg=gold size=230]Deathwing[/card]

For fun, the Hearthstone heroes as 100px wide cards!


Bug Fixes / Extras

With new features, also comes bug fixes to some of our older, but just as awesome content.

  • Arena Simulator (Try Me)
    • Fixed a bug which prevented some basic cards from showing up.
  • Deckbuilder (Try Me)
    • You can now remove cards from your deck by right-clicking on them from the deck list.
  • Misc
    • Fixed visual glitch when placing cursor over private message search icon.
    • Blue text has made a return to the blue tracker.
    • New Blizzard quote boxes!
    • New quote boxes!
    • Miscellaneous forum style improvements.

Don't forget - If you'd like Hearthstone Card tooltips on your website, it's super simple. Learn more about how to embed our card tooltips here, and if you're running into problems, feel free to create a thread in our Site Feedback forum so we can try and give you a hand.



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