New Journey to Un'Goro Card Revealed: King Mosh
A new Warrior Legendary has been revealed via
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The art on this card is the Fossil Slowpoke of Hearthstone.
2 words : jade golems .
No, 2 brawl is not enough .
9 7 is actually hard to deal with by druid (they won't have mulch anymore) .
Control warrior was and will not be able to beat jade druid regardless of King Mosh or not. It doesn't matter how many removals you have, jade druid will just create bigger jades and doesn't need to play more than 2 big minions at a time. You can also not fatigue out jade druid since they have jade idol to refill. It's just one of those bad match ups, so take that argument out of the picture.
Now Back to other match ups. This card is still BAD. It takes up a slot of another big drop such as grommash/ysera/alex. Two brawls is enough for most match ups and if you need more... add a cheaper combo such as sleep with the fishes with either whirlwind or ravaging ghoul.
My bet is a combo w/ Warrior's quest
Am I the only one with absolutely no problems with this art?
Not great, not terrible, just a cool dinossaur...
not cool enough
Intesting combo with Whirlwind. 10 mana board clear. Also has synergy with The Curator. Doubt warriors will be running any other beasts so this could be a free pull if there happen to be any murloc or a late game dragon. I have a feeling this card gets used in the future after the release of other sets. Caught in a Moshurry lol.
This card really makes me miss Death's Bite, oh well, at least Death's Bite + this can be played in wild.
This card is just bad..
Well, lets see if this is going to be playable ;) 10 mana 2 cards board clear, wow. So useless against aggro.
Too bad retarded Jade decks will prevent fun Control decks from being even possible to experiment with for the next 2 years...
How cute. Blizzard wants to bring Control Warrior back.
It'a a battlecry. So if you play Whirlwind after King Mosh, it'll be a simple whirlwind.
Board clear for days
This reminds me a lot of Inkmaster Solia where you drop a 5/5 and play a free Flamestrike. If you're far behind on turn 9/10 in control war, this could provide a powerful tempo swing (considering you draw / hold onto a whirlwind). Now I see why Sylvanas Windrunner is wild now.
13 in May?
Why downvoting this guy ? He is right, the picture is horrible quality. I could come up with better by myself...