New Journey to Un'Goro Card Revealed: Tol'vir Stoneshaper
A new Neutral card was just revealed via Chinese website Zhihu!
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This card is actually amazing.
Turn 3 Tar Creeper-> turn 4 Tol'vir Stoneshaper will completely shut down aggro.
Hi, can someone help me to hit legend!
im rank 4 now and i never hit legend, rank 1 max :(
Finally we get a set that brings a list of playable taunts. the lack of taunt in this game was realy ludicrous but this now is almost as good as Belcher it still needs 2 sources...also this only has 1 attack less than sunwalker but costs 2 mana less....holymoly.
Also verry strong for Buffadin, godshield is one of the best keywords with handbuff cards...nice card
If there are so many taunts, shaman will likely play control with Hallazeal the Ascended, btw elemental seem favour shaman with the new legendary
Hallazeal is rotating out. Shaman will be forced into playing control though, if mostly because totem golem and tunnel trogg are rotating out.
Senjin with divine shield PogChamp
Can we say this expansion makes the game full Control or Mid?Or its early to decide?
28 cards have been yeah it's a little early.
We can't.
In MSG there was 133 slow/control cards (do you remember the hype when every single class received am AoE? "Full control!!" They said).
Apart from these 133 cards there was also Small-Time Buccaneer and Patches.
The resulting meta of 133 slow cards and 2 pirates will surprise you. So no, we can't say anything about the new meta until we play with everything :)
No, wait for the last card dump near the launch, because most likely, the OP cards will blend in 40-50 cards and they will distract us all.
We definitely can't. Yes, there have been a few slower cards, but if Discardlock and Murloc Shaman will be good enough, de meta will be full of aggro.
While people might complain that this is curvestone all over again, if Blizzard implements this right it could in fact become the opposite of curvestone.
The elemental mechanic could see players holding back their elementals if they don't have synergies in hand, so they can play them with a guaranteed synergy when they draw one.
The obvious way to do that would be to make the synergies very powerful / high mana cost, but hopefully it doesn't need to come to that.
This is Jade all over again but with elementals. Blizzard likes curvestone and minions.
How exactly is this curvestone? If you didn't have an elemental on turn 3 you probably don't play this on turn 4. Or if you have a better play on turn 3 than playing an elemental you might save this guy to combo later..
Curve stone is playing your cards on curve and hitting value with each play. Elemental decks will be base on playing elementals turn 2,3,4, onwards to get value. Same with dragon priest and jade druid. If you miss the curve, it hurts your tempo just like current curve/temp decks but if you hit it, you gain significantly and mostly win. That's why jade and Dragon priest are strong. Elementals will go down the same route and even if you missed an elemental the previous turn and you don't have a better play, 4 mana 3/5 is still a good drop on curve. Against aggro decks, you are still dropping this card on curve. Against control decks, you are still dropping this on curve to apply pressure. Same with midrange. The only time is when you have another better play on turn 4 and you want to combo this the following turn.
Blizz... Taunt isn't the answer to everything ya know...
And what would you suggest?
It's their only solution as a counter to aggro. Which is sad, because it speaks to a lack of vision and ingenuity over at Team Five.
Any suggestions from you?