Mike Donais Explains the Quest Mechanic & Talks Journey to Un'Goro Card Expectations

Mike Donais Explains the Quest Mechanic & Talks Journey to Un'Goro Card Expectations

Shaun of Tempo Storm got a chance to speak with Mike Donais on the upcoming Questing mechanic, mentions details on the new set, and briefly touches on Arena.

Quote from Mike Donais

Journey to Un'Goro

  • There will be at least one other card in Un'Goro that works with Deathrattle minions.
  • Adapt will be seen on more than just Battlecry activation. There are spells for Adapt similar to those that make use of the Discover mechanic.
  • Elementals are a focus in the set. They are "important" and "very cool". Not ready to talk about interactions yet.


  • Quests are meant to be late-game cards that you build up to so they don't feel like they need to add ways to slow them down.
  • Quests take up a secret slot, which means you can only drop 4 secrets if you have a Quest active.
  • Only one Quest can be active at a time per player.
  • Quests can activate on either players turns - much like the old version of secrets!
  • Quests were the most challenging part of the set due to the iterations of fleshing the mechanic out.
  • At one point, Quests started in-play.
  • Quest design was kind of like the Old Gods design but with 9 cards (18 with tokens) instead of 4.


  • The team is exploring more ways to iterate on Arena and Mike thinks they'll start experimenting with them over the next year.
  • Any specific first iterations to the Arena won't be permanent. It may even be interesting to change it up every few months.
  • With their new Arena technology, Quests aren't available in drafts.

Game Design

  • Mike thinks we'll see less high-attack one-drops.
  • They don't want to nerf things so fast that it punishes deck innovators but they'll keep an open mind about it.


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