Notice: still has some Overwatch Collector's Editions available at a $50 discount. Not bad!
Hearthstone Packs - Now Available with World of Warcraft Gold
Back in November of last year, you may have read an article here about being able to trade in your precious WoW gold for shiny new Hearthstone packs. We're happy to announce that this feature finally has made its way to live realms, at least in the Americas for now.
- 1 WoW Token Converts into $15 USD of Balance - the cost of a month of game-time in the US region.
- You buy the token on the Auction House with your gold, afterwards, you can pick between game-time and balance.
So, do you have massive piles of Gold rotting away in WoW? Go and covert that to some BNet Balance so you can spend it on the upcoming Dinosaur expansion!
What You Can Get With 1 WoW Token
- 9 Hearthstone Packs (7 + 2).
- Three quarters of a full adventure such as Karazhan. Two wings if bought individually.
- 16 Overwatch Loot Boxes
- A 10,000 Gold Hero in Heroes of the Storm and a 2,000 Gold Hero.
- Some Starcraft II in-game content.
- Any of Blizzard's Legacy Games. (Warcraft III is awesome!)
Our Recommendation
There's only two logical paths for Hearthstone players that have some gold sitting on WoW.
Buy Blackrock Mountain and/or The League of Explorers
These two adventures will soon be rotating out, and if the Curse of Naxxramas is any indication, these adventures will no longer be available for purchase once the rotation is live. Get some great cards for wild play and sweet heroic card backs now instead of losing access to the card backs later and having to spend silly amounts of money on packs to convert those cards into dust should you desire to play with any of them in the future.
Adventures have always been incredibly good value for your dollar.
Get Balance. Buy Un'Goro Expansion Packs
When the prices on wow tokens is low, go and convert it over to BNet Balance so you can spend it all on packs once the new set comes out. It will save you from having to dump money out of your own wallet and more importantly, if there's a pre-order bonus for Hearthstone: Lost Secrets of Un'Goro, you can obtain it through WoW!
Quote from BlizzardThe goblins of the Bilgewater Cartel have a golden opportunity for you, friend—introducing a new way to use your WoW® Token. It’s just as easy as ever, but now when you use gold to buy a WoW Token from the Auction House in certain regions, you can to choose whether to convert it into 30 days of game time or Balance*. You can use Balance to buy services like World of Warcraft character transfers, digital products like pets and mounts, and even purchase in-game items for other supported Blizzard games you play.
Buying a Token is simple: just visit the Auction House and use your hard-earned gold to purchase one of the WoW Tokens put up for sale. Once the Token arrives in your in-game mailbox, right-click it to add it to your bag, then right-click it in your inventory. You’ll then be able to choose whether to add 30 days of game time or add Balance ($15 USD; currency and amount varies by region) to your account.
For more information, check out our Balance support page and WoW Token support page.
*WoW Tokens can only be redeemed for Balance in the currency associated with the registered account address. Other restrictions apply.
Q: I need gold! How do I buy a WoW Token for real money and put it up for sale for gold?
A: WoW Tokens are available for purchase for real money through the World of Warcraft in-game Shop. You can access the Shop through the main menu (Esc) or the row of feature buttons next to your character’s bags.
You can then sell your WoW Token through a dedicated exchange in the Auction House, located in the WoW Token section. WoW Tokens cannot be traded or sold any other way.
Q: How much gold will I receive when I sell a WoW Token?
A: The gold value of a Token is determined dynamically based on supply and demand. When you put a Token up for sale, you’ll be quoted the amount of gold you’ll receive upon a successful sale. If you then decide to place the Token up for sale, that amount is locked in, and the gold will be sent to your mailbox after your Token has been sold.
Q: I need game time or Balance! How do I buy a WoW Token from the Auction House?
A: When you visit the Auction House, you’ll be presented with the current market price (in gold) for a WoW Token in your game region—there’s no bidding involved, and all Tokens in a game region are priced the same at any given moment. If you decide to purchase one, you’ll receive it in your mailbox, and can then redeem it for game time or Balance.
Q: How much game time or Balance do I get by redeeming a WoW Token?
A: You’ll receive 30 days of game time or $15 USD (amount varies by currency; currency is based on registered account address) in Balance when you redeem a WoW Token.
Q: I purchased a WoW Token for gold a while back, but never redeemed it. Can I use that WoW Token to get Balance now?
A: Yes, any previously purchased WoW Tokens that you haven’t yet redeemed for game time can now be redeemed for Balance (in supported regions).
Q: Is there a limit on how much Balance I can redeem using the WoW Token?
A: Yes—for more information, read our Balance Restrictions support article.
Q: Can I resell a WoW Token after I’ve purchased it for gold?
A: No, each WoW Token can only be sold once. After you purchase a Token for gold, it becomes Soulbound. At that point, it can only be redeemed for game time or Balance.
Q: What happens if the price quoted to me is different from what the Token actually sells for?
A: You will always receive the gold amount quoted to you at the time you place a Token up for sale, regardless of what the current price is when the item actually sells.
Q: If I buy a WoW Token from the Auction House, how long does it take to receive the Token?
A: Just like a standard Auction House purchase, it should arrive in your mailbox within moments after making your purchase.
Q: If I’m buying a WoW Token for real money from the in-game Shop, how long does it take to receive it?
A: Once you successfully complete a purchase, in most cases the Token should arrive in your inventory (or mailbox, if your inventory is full) almost immediately.
Q: Do Tokens expire? What happens if I accidentally delete one?
A: No, Tokens do not expire. They also can’t be deleted, so no need to fear accidentally trashing them.
Already familiar with the WoW Token? Click here to jump directly to the Balance information in our WoW Token video.
Do you know that WoW Classic is going live in 2weeks? I'm so excited!
WoW game Time can be used to play WoW Classic too! Second great news!
But if you wanna buy game time while the server will be starting you probably won't be able to buy it because lots of people want to get it ina same moment. If you will have any problems check this trustable site
So now you can make real money, by getting gold in wow (essentially) .. dreams, they came true today.
Last time I played wow (right before Burning Legion was released... ) 1k gold was an achievement that very few players a had accomplished.
Wonder how that compares to 70K+ gold now? Would that be even higher than 1k gold when the level cap was 60?
Lmao now its like milion what on vanilla was 1k. Times change..
Just for a "measly" price of 100K for US and 200K for EU! How bargain-ous!
Yeah no thanks, not reactivating an old WoW account for 15 dollars only to see that I don't have enough money to buy a token.
nice, 200k gold for a token. i only have like 65k atm XD
As much as i haven't been a wow player for long now,
I think HS should be embedded for wow players, in a sort of 'console mode' that they can get into from any Inn, by asking to the innkeeper.
Omg, i am so going start to play wow now so that i can get other games content lol.
it was a joke dude, definitely not going play wow, if i want to play hearthstone its reasonable to invest my time (and possible money) in hearthstone itself. For the recomendaton, thanks, i like the lore and love the cinematics but there is something in the game that gives me headache, it was a pain to get Liadrin.
Isn't there a possibility to cheat in WOW with CheatEngine or so?
I agree so hard. MMORPGs are so horrible but still wow is the best of them but it's not enough. It's just a pain nothing else. Played enough and won't spend my 1 minute in it. It's worthless and only weak-minded people play it. When I start playing it I was thinking like "omg I'm playing the warcraft story now. It will be amazing." But no!! There is no story in it. It's just a fckin walking simulator. It's shiet. Play war3 that's a cool game.
Definitely not a business trick. You're way better off getting a job and spending that money on packs then the amount of time it would take to farm stuff to make the gold. If you can master the Auction House on WoW, it's a bit of a different story though that requires a bit of startup gold.
This is more for people who are already enjoying playing the game and have extra gold that they'd like to convert.
I have a starter account from the Liadran promotion, could I still use that account to buy tokens? I remember there being some kind of cap on how much gold you could collect, would that prevent me or is the cap high enough that I could afford a token?
At the time of me checking last night, wow tokens were costing around 75,000 gold and constantly rising. And the gold cap for starter accounts is 10 gold so no.
Ah. Crap.
RIP for me trying to buy gametime with wow token. Prices increased too much :(
Well that explains the sudden increase for tokems. When i logged out at 10pm our server was up to 77k :(
115,229g now as of posting for NA realms. It's doubled in price since the announcement, though it may be tapering off now since its no longer a 3% increase per 10 minutes. Could just be due to the work day though.
EU similarly has almost doubled from 110k up to 200k (peak).