New Legendary Card Reveal: Sergeant Sally
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it only affects enemy minions, therefore your late N'Zoth board
I'm not sure how I feel about this...
I think, this is only dust... (maybe controllwarlock or something like that will work)
3 mana Anomalus ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
My Donger Rises ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Awesome 4 mana board clear for Control Warlock:
Sergeant Sally + Power Overwhelming
RIP Shadowflame
4 Mana. And if you Shadowflame it, it deals 10 damage to all enemy minions.
Rogues get finnaly a AoE (unintentional)
4 Mana ( 3 Cards)This + Cold Blood + Backstab5 AoE DMG
Rogue old version with bladefury7 Mana ( 3 Cards)Hero POwer + Poisen + Bladefurry4 dmg AoE DMG
Sad to see how blind the developer are right?
Buff Nothing! Sergeant Sally + Equality = another AoE for paladins
meh... Unstable Ghoul was better suited for that and seen 0 play in pally control
Even Tentacle of N'Zoth is better than that. Yes i know Tentacle hits own minions, but still.
y i think that should work but thhe PoW combo seems sick enough
It completely depends on when the minions were played, and for the life of me, I can't remember how the ordering works i.e. if it resolves in order of play (first deathrattle minion played goes off first, then 2nd, etc etc) or reverse order (first deathrattle minion resolves last etc etc).
deathrattle triggers in order they are played, so if you play sergeant sally+ po+ shadowflame on the same turn, all the deathrattle's your opponent played last turn would trigger first then sergeant salls's.
Deathrattle take effect in the order they were played .
So yes it would work like this : shadowflame kills carine , carine spawns the other carine , that sally deathrattle kills the other carine .
Honestly tho,its going to make every Renolock list,maybe even played in Zoolock/Discardlock for that cheap boardclear.
Maybe it gets put into aggro paladin,since they get access to alot of buffcards.
very useful, gg the white eyes
No, its not! 2 paladins collide into a bigger paladin then they unleash somehting horrible upon those poor little murlocs :(