New Card Reveal: White Eyes
A new card has been revealed from the Jade Lotus Gang Endorsement Voting! It's the Shaman Legendary, White Eyes and his super saiyan form!
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Between this and Hallazeal the Ascended I think control shaman is going to be the iconic shaman deck after early 2017 standard rotation.
i see tinkmaster outspark out sparking
Kabal Songstealer makes me feel good against this card
My honest opinion is that it might be too slow. Yeah it generates a TON of value if you draw him but so did The Mistcaller and he is yet to be found in an actual deck. Also! It is not a battlecry. It can get silenced, hexed, stolen or whatever you get the point... Can't say for sure unless the actual expansion comes out and the meta starts taking its shape. Could be good, but I doubt it. When it comes to arena... well things are a lot different there. Will raise the avarage shaman run quite a bit.
Big difference between this and Mistcaller is value at the time of the drop. 6 mana 4/4 is a pretty bad tempo loss. A 5 mana 5/5 with taunt is immediate board value. White Eyes is a superior design for an effective card.
Too little value..for example shaku the colector is a much,much better class legendary....
Some are saying White Eyes is the new best class legendary. I'm not convinced.
Tirion Fordring, arguably the best class legendary yet, is a 6/6 Taunt Divine Shield (which is worth about 7 mana) and a Deathrattle 5/3 weapon (worth about 5-6 mana). That means Tirion has a value differential of 4-5 mana (12-13 mana value for 8 mana cost).
White Eyes is a 5/5/ Taunt (which is worth about 5 mana) and a Deathrattle card that gives you a 10/10 minion for 5 mana cost. I'd haircut the mana value of that card at about 8 because of the Deathrattle contingency and the possibility you'll never draw that card. That puts White Eyes at 12-13 value for 10 mana cost (5 mana cost for White Eyes and 5 mana cost for The Storm Guardian) or a 2-3 mana value differential.
I'd saw Tirion still holds onto the top class legendary spot.
I think Fandral Staghelm might actually be more powerful than both .
Sure Tirion has great value by itself but Fandral has such a powerful ongoing effect that leaving him on board for even 1 turn can easily mean GG .
Both Tirion and White Eyes fulfill their role instantly without need of extra cards. Fandral requires a lot of other cards to really shine, but when he does he has the potential to be a bigger play.
"instantly" isn't the way i would describe shuffling a card into your deck
People that says that this card is weak against silence, Polymorph, Hex, Entomb are right, but thing is if someone spend this cards/effects on 5 a mana minion you should be really happy, because it will protect yours Sylvanas Windrunner, Cairne Bloodhoof, Earth Elemental and Ragnaros the Firelord, which are the kind of cards I see running along in a deck that has White Eyes.
Against aggro/zoo decks it is 5/5 taunt at least, not amazing, but can slow down the game enough so you can draw some AoE's and healing. And if this cards is aswered without the use of Entomb or polymorph effect, it can steal some wins against slow decks by itself. So it will see some play, but mostly on Control and Slow Midrange shaman decks. But it is good because that is the kind of thing that Control Shaman was lacking to be competitive.
Stronger than aggro shaman though? Eh, probably not. But strong.
Not in current decks but it could help Shaman Control be a thing. There are a lot of cards previewed for it that could make it work.
Just realized how amazing this in arena
Im just glad they finnnaly made a good shaman legendary, I mean we did get Hal'azeal and that wasn't terrible and Al' Alakir was good until rockbiter need but neptulialian and the mistaller SUCKED
Actually I'd say Hallazeal is an amazing card. The only problem was that he worked in a less aggressive archetype than the one that eventually became popular. As a card he is one of the most versatile legendaries, which is what I love so much in the card as well as the fact that he pretty much enabled control shaman. You don't see any control shaman lists that don't run him. But White Eyes is still an awesome card and might be better than Hallazeal in a value standpoint. Ultimately, they serve different functions though.
Hallazeal is good, but the problem it he needs to be combo-ed with cards like elemental destruction, and that makes him pretty much self destruct, and I don't like cards like that *glares at yogg-saraun* However this doesn't mean he is a bad card, so maybe I was to hasty with my comment, although I think my review of the other legendaries was fair.