Hearthstone Asia-Pacific Summer Championships 2016 Decklists

Hearthstone Asia-Pacific Summer Championships 2016 Decklists

Decklists have arrived and this time they're of the Asia-Pacific Summer Championships flavor, which for the record, takes place this weekend! The winner of this event is going to BlizzCon to participate in the Hearthstone World Championships.

  • Games this weekend start at 9:00 PM PDT on both Friday and Saturday! (Saturday and Sunday - 04:00 GMT, 12:00 CST, 13:00 KST)
  • You can watch the action unfold on Twitch.tv/PlayHearthstone.

Class Breakdown

  • Shamans, Druids, and Warriors are without a surprise at the top.
  • Rogue is gaining momentum! This summer championship has had the most rogue decks with most bringing Miracle to the table.
  • Priests remain a competitive staple in Hearthstone.


Each of the eight competitors is bringing five decks to the inn for this weekend's competition.


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