Hearthstone Leveling Rewards Part 1 - Mage, Paladin, Priest
Today we present the first part, of our three part series, of the various leveling rewards you get in Hearthstone. As you level up your hero in Hearthstone, you begin to unlock new cards to help vanquish your enemies, and later, golden versions of your basic cards.
- When you unlock a class, you are given a base of cards which are specific to your class.
- There are still 5 cards missing from this base set though, which are obtained from leveling from one to ten.
- After you have hit level 10, you will begin to unlock golden versions of the cards that came with your class starter deck.
- Once you have unlocked golden versions of the base class cards, you will receive golden versions of the first 5 cards you unlocked.
- Finally, you will receive a golden version of your hero portrait once you reach level 50. This is the current maximum level in Hearthstone and as of writing, the golden portrait is not implemented in-game.
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This isn't correct anymore is it?
EXCELLENT! Now I can further plot my early-experience strategies!