Update: A new Druid common has just been revealed via hcm1008. English name unconfirmed.
Old Gods Hunter Legendary Card Reveal - Princess Huhuran
A new Hunter legendary has been revealed via Team Celestial. This is the 69th card revealed.
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Last Week in Reveals
It looks like we guessed correctly, last week there were only 11 card reveals, and 4 of them were mage cards! See below for all of last week's reveals and to see all currently released cards organized by class, head on over to our Whispers of the Old Gods Guide.
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Looks like i will play more Hunter whit this new expansion!
demented vs flamewaker? doesn't even seem close to a toss up. i like new deathwing though
Princess Huhuran - It seems potentially decent if they add more hunter deathrattle but as things stand, its kind of awkward. Its an ok minion for the mana but I just dont see a ton of great deathrattle in the current existing hunter builds. Savannah Highmane is great and all but it needs to live and this is going the opposite direction being a 5 drop and Highmane being a 6 drop. It will still be great with the Highmane but honestly you need more than that to make this legend worth running.
Dark Arakkoa - its a little clunky but add taunt and I think it makes up for things. who doesn't love large taunt minions?
English name comfirmed: Dark Arakkoa is correct
so, we should expect cards to be revealed today or what?
Nice to see them push deathrattle hunter.
We have more than half the set now and somme card are looking pretty nice. Off course everything isn't awesome but we can't expect only tier 1 cards. I can't wait to see the other cards.
Druid getting some good cards. It seems like all their other cards are going the way of Warsong Commander.
Oh hey just notice "This is the 69th card revealed."
The art on the new Hunter card is actually pretty decent unlike most of the other new cards.
2 cards today means 13 cards in the week, not 11
"11 cards were revealed last week" -It was Sunday, the start of the new week, when these cards were revealed.
Wild confirmed for being truly wild. Piloted Shredder followed by Princess Huhuran seems like a solid play.
especially if the Shredder gets Doomsayer :P
These C'Thun cards are thoroughly disappointing. They're almost all just "give C'Thun a flat numbers buff" effect. The only remotely interesting ones we've seen have been Klaxxi Amber Weaver and Ancient Shieldbearer. Not saying this isn't POWERFUL, but it's getting dull. C'Thun decks are looking painfully one-dimensional in their capabilities.
Princess Huhuran looks amazing, though. Possibly OP as shit.
We have seen just over half of the cards, and are missing ALOT of rares and commons which the C'Thun cards appear to be... I am sure we will get some more cool effects
Why would they be showing us the BORING stuff and hiding the interesting stuff for later, though? Seems a counterproductive way of building up anticipation and interest.
No, I think they just didn't have many good ideas for what C'Thun's servants could do for it other than buffing it.
Deathrattles seem good and balanced in this expansion.
I can't recall where I've heard it from, so it might be coming out of my ass. But if I recall correctly one of the developers on twitter stated part of the decision to remove them from arena was because they wanted to make curving out more rare and exciting when it does happen. Believing too many good stat minions on curve would make arena less exciting, fun and fresh.
another week passed, we're that closer to the release :D