New Legendary Card Reveal - Yogg-Saron, Hope's End, Warlock Spell - Spreading Madness

Update 8:19 PM EDT: Added Cho'Gall via Kranich.
Update 2:15 PM EDT: We have added polls to all the old card discussion threads. You can find old threads through our Old Gods Guide. Go cast your votes to help us determine what you think of all the cards! We'll release a community power-ranking post after all cards have been revealed!
Update 1:20 PM EDT: Added a bunch of card clarifications to the post!

New Legendary Card Reveal - Yogg-Saron

The final Old God, Yogg-Saron, has been revealed today via a blog.

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Card Clarifications

Quote from @PlayHearthstone
Does Yogg Saron's battlecry target friendly characters ?
Yes, Yogg-Saron's Battlecry affects all potential targets, including your own hero. (Source)

Are the spells randomly chosen from the spells you've cast? Or are they completely randomly picked from all spells?
Yogg-Saron's spells are randomly selected from all collectible spells, and one is cast for each spell you've played. (Source)

Will the spells Yogg-Saron casts be from any class, or from your own? And I assume Standard-only spells in Standard.
Random effects in Standard will only use cards eligible for Standard play, so Yogg-Saron would only cast Standard spells. (Source)

Can Yogg-Saron hit himself?
Yes, Yogg-Saron can target himself, but even if he's destroyed or transformed, the full Battlecry still takes place. (Source)

If a card provides options, such as Raven Idol or Wrath, Yogg-Saron randomly selects one of those options when the spell is cast. (Source)

What if Yogg-Saron uses a card that can't activate on anything? like if it plays backstab but all minions are damaged?
In a case where one of Yogg-Saron's spells has no eligible targets, it fizzles. (Source)

How random is "random target?" Can spells that normally only affect enemy minions target yours instead?
Yogg-Saron follows the rules, so the spells will follow their card text as though your hero cast them. (Source)

Random targets means my fireballs can hit my own minions and my bufffs can land on the enemy?
That's correct! If a spell doesn't have text to prevent it, then any eligible target could be chosen. (Source)

Oi! About Yogg, the spells count as "cast" for things like counterspell or mana wyrm?
CORRECTION! Spells cast by Yogg-Saron will NOT buff Mana Wyrm, interact with Antonidas, trigger Flamewaker, etc. (Source)

What happens if you use Yogg Saron when your opponent have a gallywix on board ?...
Yogg-Saron's spells count as being cast by Yogg-Saron, so they shouldn't interact with Gallywix or Lorewalker Cho. (Source)

Yogg-Saron Art

Earlier this week Blizzard put up art for Yogg-Saron on their Facebook page.

Yogg-Saron Lore

Lore of the Cards Yogg-Saron edition also went up earlier this week.

Yogg-Saron Reveal Blog Post

Quote from Blizzard
Ancient evils have woken from their ageless slumber to stretch their tentacles and spread mayhem amongst mortals in Hearthstone’s newest expansion: Whispers of the Old Gods! Now it’s time to dig a little deeper, and find out more about the minds behind the tentacles.

In our little library of loathsomeness, you’ve learned of C’thun’s cruelty, N’Zoth’s nastiness, and Y’Shaarj’s sabotage. We trust that at this point you’ve acquired a taste for forbidden lore, so now we’re serving up some savory Yogg-Saron secrets for you to sink your teeth into!

Careless Whisperer
Yogg-Saron (yog-suh-RAWN) is an Old God of many names, each one of them a mouthful. It’s amassed titles such as The Beast with a Thousand Maws, That Which Must Not Be Named, The Fiend of a Thousand Faces, and its personal favorite: The God of Death. For a cosmic horror with an identity crisis (and a taste for forbidding and lengthy nicknames), it’s got a real silver tongue. Lots of silver tongues, probably, since its face is mostly gaping, toothy maws. Anyway, finding eternal imprisonment beneath the continent of Northrend to be a bitter pill to swallow, Yogg-Saron used nothing more than its insidious whispers to corrupt its own jailers. It succeeded in turning them against each other before taking control of them, and the prison complex itself.

While Yogg-Saron was staging the slowest prison break in history, its oozing vileness was seeping up all over Northrend, sowing strife wherever it was found. Druids, led by Fandral Staghelm, thought they could halt its spread with a little creative landscaping, but the roots of the World Tree they planted grew deep enough to touch Yogg-Saron’s prison. This monumental misstep* gave Yogg-Saron the opportunity to pry open the door into the Emerald Dream. The tree was destroyed, but not before the seeds of the Emerald Nightmare** were planted by the Old Gods.

Yogg-Saron is hideously good at proving that when you’re up against this mouthy monster, you’ve bitten off more than you can chew.

Spreading Madness
Yogg-Saron is just CRAZY for madness, and the insidious power of its whispers easily takes mortal minds one step beyond. Of course, every good (bad?) Warlock knows that if you want to make it through the day, you’ve got to embrace a little trousers-on-head craziness. Who wouldn’t cast a spell like this and say, “Welcome to the house of fun!”

Cabalist’s Tome
The most populous of those who count among the Old Gods’ mortal servants—including Yogg-Saron’s followers—are the Twilight Cultists. Some speculate that they got that name because they are working to bring about the twilight of the world. The truth is, it’s just a book club that got really, REALLY, out of hand. Their taste in literature is extremely questionable, but their fan fiction is absolutely packed with, uh, “interesting” passages. Bonus: this book licks your thumb for you when it’s time to flip the page!

We hope you’ve enjoyed your exposure to the eldritch awesomeness of the Old Gods! This concludes our brief tour of terror, but Whispers of the Old Gods is lurking ever nearer, so study up and prepare to welcome your new overlords by devouring previously printed Old Gods lore:


The Beast with a Thousand Maws has a lot to say, and it could use your help! Spread Yogg-Saron’s whispers to your friends and followers using the #OldGods hashtag on Twitter and Facebook

Learn More About Whispers of the Old Gods

Want to see more cards that are in Whispers of the Old Gods, or learn more about the set? Head on over to our guide to Whispers of the Old Gods! Be sure to also check out Blizzard's Official Old Gods Page!

There's also a weekly card vote going on over on the official Hearthstone site! Go vote for which card you'd like to see revealed, new cards are revealed daily.



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