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Deck Spotlight: LOKShadow's OTK Combo Warrior
Tonight we're shining the spotlight on OTK Combo Warrior deck from LOKShadow. The deck was taken by LOKShadow to Legend this season - January 2016.
- Uses Raging Worgen to deal lethal damage, ranging from 22 to 30 damage.
- Emperor Thaurissan is there to help get your winning combo out, but isn't necessary.
- Max damage is 34 in one turn. Death's Bite + Raging Worgen + Cruel Taskmaster + Inner Rage x2 + Rampage + Charge.
- Also includes Grim Patron for some board control.
The deck is budget for those who own Naxxramas and Blackrock Mountain, coming in at only 540 dust. Check out the deck below and go check out the deck guide to learn more.
Minion (14)
Ability (12)
Weapon (4)
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Feugen & Stalagg Need Friends
Season 3 of our Weekly Card Design Competitions kicks off today, and for the first time competitors are required to submit TWO cards. Like Fuegen and Stalagg, entries must consist of two legendary minions that have special synergy with one another and refer to one another by name in their card text. Find out more about the competition and submit your entry by visiting the Submission Topic.
In addition, if you haven't already checked it out, Season 3 kicked off earlier this week with HearthPwn's second Class Creation Competition, where competitors are tasked with designing, not one or two cards, but a whole class! The competition takes place in multiple phases over the next several weeks, but open entries close on Monday, so make sure you submit your concept soon!
Keep up the good work, Hearthpwn!
There's so much math with this deck :(
The old Patron has more math including Charging The Frothing Berserker and Whirlwind-ing enough Opponent creatures to obtain the right amount or overkilling...
When playing certain Patron deck variations, one should play in either the "Cycle (Draw) Mentality" or "Attack in Waves"...
a non-typical but interacting a Patron deck in terms of Waves could been seen in the following:
Wave 1: is that Turn5 Patron with the Turn4's Death's Bite deathrattle + Inner Rage or something...
Wave 2: Something to do with Frothing Berserker #1 and 2nd Patron
Wave 3: 2nd Patron / Grommash
For most of the OTK stuff, in my opinion it's more about "building up the pieces" :D
I'm just complaining because I don't have alot of experience playing this deck type yet. Your explanation was pretty helpful though.
If you are lucky on draws the combo does work really well
What would you take out if you have the gromashes?
I wouldn't take out anything for Grom since it's slow and clunky against aggro decks.
ummmmm... do you even game bro?
the main combo of this deck costs a ton of mana, and gromash is like a combo in two cards...
To illustrate the above-mentioned bullet point of "max 34 damage" can be found in this small clip from last November when I faced someone who used a "very-similar" if-not 99% this very-decklist [1 min 13 secs; not for self-advertising], just thought to show that the combo does deal pretty quick 34 damage :D I got him to 5 HP as a weird Mid-rangey Paladin and that combo in the right order is so "rage-inducing" BibleThump FeelsBadMan :
Looks like a fun deck if you can execute the combo. It does look kind of fragile to me...
A lot of things have to go right, which is the crux of OTK decks.
no thats the crux of Hearthstone OTK decks, but honestly its the crux of any deck in HS. OTK and FTK decks in real tcg can regularly get their combos off. thus resulting in a ban of said cards after a while.
Plenty of stuff can go wrong with secret paladin and still a great chance of winning.
I think if you are lucky it won't make any difference :)
Still i notice a lot of combo decks posted here where they put only 1 copy of a card required for the win condition, not only that but claim 70+ win rate and reach legend. Whenever i play such deck i use 2 copies and half the time i lose because both of them are in the bottom 6-10 cards of my deck.
Worgen is not the only win condition of the deck since it also runs patrons (contrary to many of the other worgen OTK decks). Depending on the matchup, you have to decide how to use your combo pieces (whether to save for worgen or generate patrons)
You aren't meant to play 2 worgens but you use 2 copies to increase your chance of drawing at least 1 and like i said for some people even that isn't enough.
Do you mean like this:
That's a really neat idea. If I come up with something flavorful, I might steal it. :-)
Edit: For balance's sake, It should be more like 3 mana 3/4, 3 mana 4/3 and (6 mana) 11/11. 10 mana, 11/11 that takes two cards is pretty underwhelming.
The good ol' one Combo Warrior! This archetype appears on beggining of Hearthstone and now will come back?
Only time (and meta) knows...
Yeah way back in the Classic-ish, Questing Adventurer + Frothing Berserker, alongside with Commanding Shout, Inner Rage, Whirlwind, Battle Rage to draw more cards, Charge used to cost different. Even more painful combo if you had ignored the Warrior's Gurubashi Berserker just to go face or think that you can deal with it on the next turn when "the Warrior is ready to start rolling in the power"