Blizzard put out a teaser for some Constructed changes, and many Battlegrounds changes, all due tomorrow. Check it out!
Balance Changes
Quote from BlizzardWe've got a balance patch going live tomorrow with changes to Battlegrounds, Standard, and Arena.
Full patch notes coming soon.
Ok, so Fizzle battlecry, and photography can be used only once per game. I believe this kills infinity shaman and badly wounds Terran Warrior.
Am I the only one who thinks that Protos is decent balanced and that it's the non-DK zerk classes that need a boost?
The comments on nerf posts are always lame and cringe. Everyone wants the decks they lose to get nerfed, and then the players who use those decks respond with the same lame, cringe argument: "The deck is tier 2 and has a low win rate. It doesn't deserve the nerf".
I saw someone on Twitter complaining about Aggro Shadow Priest in Wild, saying it should be nerfed—while they were playing Libram Paladin, one of the best decks in the format.
That will never change. Complaints will always come from every which side. Both of those Wild decks are not only incredibly boring to face, but the person playing them just gets to spend their mana on the green card each turn. The thing is, this game can't be balanced, no game can. It's fine to complain, it's fine to defend your favorite deck, but things do need to get nerfed. All I can say is that it's insane Dungar Druid gets to walk freely again. Their entire game plan is ramp > ramp > ramp > Dungar.
I 100% agree with that.
I just hope that people’s desire to nerf cards is based more on design choices rather than just power level. For example, I wish they would delete that OTK Hunter deck because it’s ridiculous that you get punished for playing minions. I know it’s not the best deck, and I know I can easily play multiple decks to counter it.
But if I said that, people would assume I’m complaining about its power level and respond with, ‘Dude, the deck sucks. It’s tier 2.’
That’s why I hate when people dismiss concerns by saying, ‘The deck is tier 2, it has a low win rate, no nerf needed.’
Prismatic Beam punishes you for playing minions, but you can play around it to make it awkward for your opponent to have a strong turn. Most importantly, it doesn’t outright kill you.
I also hate when some people play top-tier decks but complain about other top-tier decks just because they lose to them—not because the deck’s design is bad. For example, Dungar Druid is really dumb, but I bet most people dislike it simply because it’s better than their favorite deck, not because of its game plan.
Of course, disgustingly powerful cards should be nerfed, but card design should be the main focus.
Okay. But how are they going to change Fizzley in a way that dosn't ruins the other decks when is barely playable?
Zola + Fizzley for infinite Fizzli is something that you could do since forever, so I pretty much think that Triangulate was the problematic card. I can only imagine they are going to change the Photograph to 4 or 5 Mana. I don't see what else you can do changing Fizzley specifically.
And Shaffar probably is going to have a Mana adjustment. I think is kind of an unfair nerf, because you already could multiply its Spellburst with cards that summon copies of themselves, some of them also were 1-Mana minions, and wasn't really a problem. The problem is they printed that card 6 times in the same set. But I can see Blizzard changing the +3/+3 to a +1/+1 because the card was free and is not that new. Which obviously would make the card pretty umplayable, but that's nothing new.
I understand what you are trying to say, but the devs and the majority of players don’t care about that. All the nerfs are made based on the assumption that all players use the best decks. To be honest, the devs are right because 99.99% of players only play the strongest decks and abuse powerful cards.
For example, when they nerfed Sea Shill and Conniving Conman, I used to play a Paladin deck with Crafter's Aura, where I would discount its cost using Sea Shill or Holy Cowboy and then repeat its effect with Conniving Conman or Cardboard Golem. Obviously, neither the devs nor the players cared about the deck I used to play, even though it wasn’t that powerful. Sea Shill and Conniving Conman were the main reasons it was even playable.
Yes. But the thing is that I'm playing the game since 10 years, and I never was interested in playing Meta decks. So that they nerf cards that where perfectly reasonable and even kinda weak in a lot of decks, just cause is happen to be broken with one specific card, of one specific class in one specific deck it always feels terrible to me.
And I think that what they should do is implement a Mutual-Ban card system. If you put Fizzley in your deck, Triangulate is banned, and if you put Triangulate in your deck, Fiizzley is banned, that way you can't play a deck with those two cards in it, without having to nerf any card cause any of those cards need a nerf, the promel is the interaction between the two, but not they individually.
And ETC Band Manager already does that. There are specific cards like C'Thun the shattered that are listed as banned. They could do a couple of twicks to that and add it on the deckbuilding. And that would prevent every nerf that isn't related to a card on its own being too strong, that is in my opinion when a card should be nerfed.
Meanwhile Wild is unplayable due to Libram Paladin.
Imo they will just gut the card until rotation. It’s not even close to playable in wild so it feels like the best thing to do.
Ugh, more hieroglyphics
Just leave Shaffer banned
They will probably make him 4 mana and proceed to pat themselves on the back.
Are you sure these were the cards to nerf???
tbh I'd rather see buccaneer nerfed, no idea how that card is allowed to be as strong as it is. Just steamrolls the game early because 4 health isn't very easy to deal with on turn 2.
Right...nerf the new board based tier 2 deck that you can tech against with silence/transform. Zerg DK is the last thing they should nerf out of the good decks out there.
Zerg DK has the worst winrate of the most played decks in the game right now
that can change with fizzle nerfs, I hope it does, but zerg DK was auto-loss versus Starship Shaman, and it didn't need fizzle to win.
bro I don't know if you noticed that only the priest can silence or remove... and transform is no longer present as in past years...
so only me when I find DK it's certain defeat ahahahah, okay (I especially play MY version of starship shaman with fizzle)