The Known Issues with the new patch including a temp ban for a card that was wrecking the Meta.
Quote from BlizzardPatch 31.4 is now live, with the Heroes of StarCraft Mini-Set and more!
Here are some of the bugs we’re tracking this patch:
- [Hero - Kerrigan] Mythic Kerrigan Hero Skin Hero Power ring is inconsistent when previewed from the opponent's perspective
- [Hero - Kerrigan] Mythic Kerrigan Skin hover over halo is not the correct size
- [Hero - Kerrigan] Mythic – the Defeat state is not showing in game.
- [Hero - Artanis] Artanis' Twin Blades hero power is not buffed from Groovy Cat.
- [Battlegrounds] Bob-blehead can still offer cards from Tier 1 or Tier 2.
- [Battlegrounds] Golden Monkey does not spawn in tavern after tavern is refreshed with Slip and Slide.
- [Mac] A crash may occur when using CMD + Q while in a match.
- [iOS - Tablet] Vertical lines present on the Retire button in Arena.
- [Added 1/21] [Mobile] The team is investigating reports that a small number of players can't see card names when playing on their mobile devices. So far, reports are indicating this may be limited to Pixel users.
- [Added 1/21] [Hearthstone] The team is investigating reports that Wildheart Guff might be causing crashes.
- [Added 1/21] [Hearthstone] Nexus-Prince Shaffar is being temporarily banned due to his interaction with new Mini-Set cards. The intention is that he be returned to the eligible card pool after our next balance hotfix.
Dev Comment: Nexus-Prince Shaffar is poised to run away with the meta, crowding out any decks that aren’t trying to counter massive Zerglings in the early game. We want to act quickly here to make sure players have room to explore different strategies with the Heroes of StarCraft release.
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Am I the only one to find the next bug.
When you play shudderblock and the turn after the upgraded tank, minions got killed but the excessed damage don't go to the enemy hero
Edit, I forgot the text, it can't directly hit the enemy hero
Shudderblock specifically states you cannot damage the enemy hero.
I forgot that, stupid of me. Thanks for the reply
kerrigan hero power is completely busted
If you think HS is just losing players then you're a massive fool.
What does what I said have to do with “HS is just losing players”? So anyone who doesn't play the best decks is a loser?
I was trying to point out that people often make strange arguments about overpowered cards they play.
1.“Why would you ban such a fun card?”
Their definition of a “fun card” is often an insanely overpowered card.
2.“The deck wasn’t even good.”
In reality, the deck is one of the best-performing decks.
3.“You could easily counter it with many freeze cards.”
So, does that mean everyone should play only one specific class(mage) just to counter it? every card in the entire game has a counter, Does that mean the devs should never nerf any card?
4.“Blizzard developers are incompetent. They keep ruining fun cards. That’s why Blizzard is losing players every month.”
Are the developers really incompetent just because they banned an overpowered card and allowed other decks to shine?
I’m completely fine if someone says, “I loved this broken card because it was so overpowered, but I understand why they decided to ban it.” That’s a reasonable and honest take.
The funny thing is that the people who make such comments (the ‘winners,’ as you call them) are often the ones barely reaching Legend, sitting at rank 24674287.
You can hit Legend with any slightly decent deck, whether it’s meta or off-meta—you don’t need the most broken deck to get there.
"Why? Why would you ban such a fun card? The deck wasn’t even good. You could easily counter it with many freeze cards. Blizzard developers are incompetent. They keep ruining fun cards. That’s why Blizzard is losing players every month."
I’m sure there are players saying the same thing here or on other social media platforms like Reddit.
Every time the devs ban or nerf a card, Its players say things like that.
deployed siege tank doesn't hit enemy face at all when his battlecry is trippled whit shuddeblock
Shudderblock’s text explains why.
intentional design, I bonered that one as well.
Good to act this quick, gg there!
I think you guys are harsh with blizzard (and I understand why based on their past mistakes). If they disabled Shaffar so quickly it's because they knew he could broke the game but they decided to give it a try. It didn't work obviously but they were quick and I don't think any players are very frustrated since it only lasted 6 hours. I would be more harsh on the bugs especially in battlegrounds where we see more and more bugs and they just don't fucking care. Fix your fucking game.
Shaffar and Zergling existed in the same meta for all of 6 hours, and it was 7 too many.
The Nexus-Prince Shaffar problem was so obvious Helen Keller could have saw it coming.
Maybe not so obvious when the QA department experienced a cost-savings measure.